普渡大学研发出“世界最白油漆” 降温功效“秒杀”空调
普渡大学研发出“世界最白油漆” 降温功效“秒杀”空调

A Purdue University professor of mechanical engineering(机械工程) and his students have created the whitest paint on record. When Purdue University researchers set out to develop a new paint, the goal was to create one that would reflect(反射) sunlight away from a building. It turns out they also set an official Guinness world record for the whitest paint on the planet. “When we started this project about seven years ago, we had saving energy and fighting climate change in mind,” Professor Xiulin Ruan said.

The paint reflects 98.1% of solar radiation(太阳辐射) while also giving out infrared(红外线的) heat. Because the paint takes in less heat from the sun than it gives out, a surface coated with this paint is cooled below the surrounding(周围的) temperature without using power.

The common white paint gets warmer rather than cooler. Paints on the market that are designed to reject heat reflect only 80%-90% of sunlight and can’t make surfaces cooler than their surroundings.

Researchers did an outdoor test with a surrounding temperature of 43 degrees Fahrenheit(华氏摄氏度). The paint made the sample temperature lower by an additional 18 degrees. “That’s more powerful than the air conditioners used by most houses,” Ruan said.

Purdue said it has already applied for the patent(专利) and researchers are working with a company to scale up(增加) the paint to put it on the market.


1.Which of the following is the key word for the passage?

A Research.

B Machine.

C Colour.

D Paint.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段A Purdue University professor of mechanical engineering(机械工程) and his students have created the whitest paint on record.可知,普渡大学机械工程教授和他的学生研发出了有记录以来最白的油漆。文章全文均围绕关键词“油漆”展开。故选D。

2.Which may be the purpose of the project according to the passage?

A To stop the light pollution.

B To save energy and fight climate change.

C To protect the environment.

D To set a new Guinness world record.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段When we started this project about seven years ago, we had saving energy and fighting climate change in mind可知, 当研究人员开始这个项目时,他们考虑到了节约能源和应对气候变化,也就是说这两个方面是项目研究之目的。故选B。

3.How does the new white paint cool the surfaces?

A By giving out less infrared heat.

B By taking in more heat from the sun.

C By taking in less heat and giving out more heat.

D By bringing down the surrounding temperature.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,这款新漆能反射掉98.1%的太阳辐射,并且还会释放热量,因此它吸收的热量少于释放的热量,由此达到降温的效果。故选C。

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A The new white paint has the best cooling effect so far.

B The surrounding temperature decides that of the paint.

C Paints on the market have worse qualities than new ones.

D Families will not need air conditioners in the near future.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段的The paint reflects 98.1% of solar radiation(太阳辐射) 以及第三段内容可知,这种新款白油漆目前具有最好的降温效果。其他三项在文中都没有体现。故选A。

5.What will the researchers probably do next ?

A They will do a market survey.

B They will apply for the patent.

C They will look for a producing partner.

D They will bring the new paint to market.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,该公司已经提交了专利申请,研究人员也已经正在与一家公司合作,扩大该涂料的生产规模,将其投放市场。故选D。