
Lantern Festival

Country: China

Time: Usually in January or February

Celebration activities: going out to admire the moon, lighting lanterns, solving lantern riddles, enjoying dragon lantern dances

Traditional food: yuan xiao 

Fasnacht Carnival 

Country: Switzerland

Time: Usually in February

Celebration activities: people dressing up as elves and monsters (精灵和妖怪), joining the “Monsterkorso” with large bands, lights and lanterns

Traditional food: high-calorie delicious food, high-fat foods like meat, eggs and cream


Country: India

Time: Usually in October or November, lasting for five days

Celebration activities: lighting lamps, praying to the goddess Lakshmi, watching big, colourful firework displays, enjoying shows of music and dancing

Traditional food: sweet food like BesanBurfi 

Bonfire Night

Country: UK

Time: 5 November

Celebration activities: building a very big fire, watching fireworks

Traditional food: hot food like baked potatoes, sausages, burgers, toffee apples

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Which are celebrated in February?

A Fasnacht Carnival & Diwali.

B Diwali & Bonfire Night.

C Bonfire Night & Fasnacht Carnival.

D Lantern Festival & Fasnacht Carnival.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据Time一栏可知,元宵节(Lantern Festival)有时候会在二月庆祝,瑞士的琉森嘉年华(Fasnacht Carnival)也在二月庆祝。故选D。

2.Who will eat BesanBurfi?

A People in China.

B People in Switzerland.

C People in India.

D People in the UK.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据“Diwali”部分中的内容“Traditional food: sweet food like BesanBurfi”可知,印度人在庆祝排灯节时会吃豆泥面包(BesanBurfi)。故选C。

3.What do people do to celebrate Bonfire Night?

A Admire the moon.

B Watch some fire.

C Enjoy lanterns.

D Build a big fire.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据“Bonfire Night”部分中的内容“Celebration activities: building a very big fire, watching fireworks”可知,英国人在庆祝篝火之夜时会点燃篝火、观看烟花表演。故选D。

4.Where can you read the passage?

A A science magazine.

B A culture magazine.

C A guide book.

D A business report.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了四个国家的四个节日,包括中国的元宵节,瑞士的琉森嘉年华,印度的排灯节以及英国的篝火之夜,因此本文最有可能来自一本文化杂志。故选B。