
Passing the bar exam (律师资格考试) is quite difficult. And Philippines is said to have one of the hardest bar exams in the world.

Trisha is from Philippines. When she was only a year old, her mom died (死亡). Her mom had taken the bar exam. But she died just after that. Weeks after she died, her family was told that she had passed the exam.

That had an influence on Trisha. She also took the bar exam. She was very worried after she took the exam. She came to her mom’s cemetery (墓地) with her friends on the results day. She and her friends were nervous. When Trisha knew she passed the exam, the five shouted and jumped.

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1.Passing the bar exam in Philippines is __________ .

A difficult

B easy

C boring

D funny

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Passing the bar exam is quite difficult. And Philippines is said to have one of the hardest bar exams in the world.”可知,通过律师资格考试相当困难。此外,据说菲律宾的律师考试是世界上最难的,因此菲律宾的律师考试很难。故选A。

2.How old was Trisha when her mom died?

A 4.

B 3.

C 2.

D 1.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“When she was only a year old, her mom died.”可知,特里莎只有一岁的时候,她的妈妈去世了。故选D。

3.Did Trisha’s mother pass the bar exam?

A Yes, she was.

B No, she wasn’t.

C Yes, she did.

D No, she didn’t.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的“Weeks after she died, her family was told that she had passed the exam.”可知,在特里莎的妈妈去世几周后,她的家人被告知她实际上已经通过了考试。故选C。

4.How did Trisha feel after she took the bar exam?

A Angry.

B Worried.

C Excited.

D Sad.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段第三句的“She was very worried after she took the exam.”可知,特里莎在等待考试结果时很担忧。故选B。

5.How many of Trisha’s friends waited for the results with her?

A 2.

B 3.

C 4.

D 5.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段中最后一句“When Trisha knew she passed the exam, the five shouted and jumped.”可知,当特丽莎通过了考试,他们五个人都高兴地尖叫和跳跃,因此她有四个朋友陪她一起等待结果。故选C。