
Many Chinese people have recently been surprised to find that many types of food that they thought were imported from another country are actually grown or produced in northeast China.                         The northeastern area of the country has been getting lots of attention this winter. Many visitors come to its tourist attractions in search of ice and snow, and praise the hospitality (热情好客) of its people.

A group of eleven kindergarten children from Guangxi visited the northeastern province. The people of Heilongjiang took good care of the children. To show its thanks to them, Nanning sent 189 tons of mandarin oranges to Harbin. Heilongjiang then returned the gesture and sent 100,000 boxes of cranberries (蔓越莓) to Guangxi. The cranberries surprised a lot of Chinese people, even many from Heilongjiang Province. They didn’t realize that the fruit was grown there.
Cranberries were introduced from North America in 2014. Fuyuan City in Heilongjiang Province grows 280 hectares (公顷) of cranberries. It is one of the largest cranberry growing bases in Asia. Other types of berries grown in northeast China include blueberries and raspberries. Many people have also discovered that some precious foods, such as Wagyu beef, black truffles and caviar, are also produced in northeast China.
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1.Why do many people go to the northeastern area of China?

A To get a lot of attention.

B To taste new types of food.

C To enjoy ice and snow.

D To meet with friendly people.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Many visitors come to its tourist attractions in search of ice and snow”可知,很多人去到东北的旅游景点赏玩冰雪。故选C。

2.How many children from Guangxi visited Heilongjiang?

A 9.

B 11.

C 13.

D 18.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“A group of eleven kindergarten children from Guangxi visited the northeastern province.”来自广西的11名幼儿游玩了黑龙江。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “them” refer to?

A Visitors.

B Children.

C Cranberries.

D Heilongjiang people.

解析:选D。D 词意指代题。根据前一句“The people of Heilongjiang took good care of the children. ”可知,黑龙江人民把这11个孩子照顾得很好,因此为了感谢黑龙江人民(对这些孩子的照顾),广西南宁送了柑橘给哈尔滨。故选D。

4.Which of the following are not grown or produced in northeast China?

A Cranberries.

B Mandarin oranges.

C Raspberries.

D Black truffles.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,“cranberries” “blueberries” “raspberries” “Wagyu beef” “black truffles” “caviar”都是东北生产的;并结合前文柑橘(mandarin oranges)是广西南宁送给哈尔滨的可知,柑橘不是东北产的。故选B。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Surprising food products from northeast China.

B Famous tourist attractions with ice and snow.

C Popular cranberries grown in northeast China.

D Warm exchange between Heilongjiang and Guangxi.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。结合文章第一段的“Many Chinese people have recently been surprised to find that many types of food...”以及第三段中“The cranberries surprised a lot of Chinese people...”可知,本文主要介绍几种产自东北的令人吃惊的食品产品。故选A。