外国女孩钟情中国文化 赴中国感受文化之旅
外国女孩钟情中国文化 赴中国感受文化之旅

Raina Chareese Luke is 19 years old. She likes traditional Chinese clothing, especially the Qipao and Hanfu very much. 

Luke is an international exchange (交换) student from Georgia, U.S. She is in a six-month Chinese language program at Tianjin University now. She joined the program last September (2023). However, her interest in Chinese language and culture began in her second year of middle school.
Luke started learning Chinese as her second foreign language, but back then only by chance. “I knew nothing about the country or the language I was about to learn,” she said. But she completely changed her mind after the first class. “Rather than asking us to learn new words or sentences, the Chinese teacher played a Chinese song Tian Mimi for us,” Luke said. She was attracted to the words of the song, and she became interested in the Chinese language.
From then on, Luke watched Chinese movies and soap operas in her free time. She also did a part-time job at a Chinese restaurant where she would practice her Chinese language skills with others. “The more I learn about China, the more interested I am in the Chinese culture,” Luke said. She finally made up her mind to come to study in China.
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1.When was Luke born?

A In 1999.

B In 2001.

C In 2005.

D In 2010.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一句“Raina Chareese Luke is 19 years old.”卢克今年19岁,可知她出生于2005年。故选C。

2.Where does Luke come from?

A Canada.

B The UK.

C Mexico.

D America.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Luke is an international exchange (交换) student from Georgia, U.S.”可知,卢克来自美国。故选D。

3.What did Luke do in her first Chinese class?

A She learned some new words.

B She listened to a Chinese song.

C She learned something about China.

D She remembered many new sentences.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But she completely changed her mind after the first class. ‘Rather than asking us to learn new words or sentences, the Chinese teacher played a Chinese song Tian Mimi for us,’ Luke said.”可知,在第一节中文课上,老师给他们播放了一首中文歌曲——《甜蜜蜜》。故选B。

4.What does the underlined part “was attracted to” mean?

A Forgot.

B Hated.

C Liked.

D Improved.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的内容“and she became interested in the Chinese language”她对中文产生了兴趣,可知,在听了《甜蜜蜜》这首中文歌曲后,卢克对这首歌的歌词产生了兴趣,即她喜欢上了这些歌词。故选C。

5.Why did Luke do a part-time job at a Chinese restaurant?

A To practice speaking Chinese.

B To enjoy soap operas.

C To watch Chinese movies.

D To help Chinese students.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“She also did a part-time job at a Chinese restaurant where she would practice her Chinese language skills with others.”可知,卢克在一家中餐馆兼职是为了在那里练习讲中文。故选A。