
Every few years, in a different country around the world, there’s a big sports competition. It’s like the Olympics but only for one sport. The most popular sport in the world! What do you know about the history of the FIFA World Cup?

Men from 13 countries played in the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930. In the final game Uruguay beat Argentina and became the first World Cup winners. Every four years since then there has been a Men’s World Cup. 32 countries played in the last men’s competition in 2022.
The first official (正式的) Women’s World Cup was held in China in 1991. 12 teams played and the United States beat Norway in the final. Every four years since then there has been a Women’s World Cup. Now 32 countries play in the Women’s World Cup and in 2023 Spain beat England to win the cup. 
The first time people saw the World Cup on TV was in 1954 when Switzerland held the competition. At least 3, 000 million people in countries all over the world watched the 2022 Men’s World Cup on TV!
Until 2002 the World Cup was always in a European or an American country. South Korea and Japan held the first Asian World Cup. The first African World Cup was in 2010, in South Africa.
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1.What is NOT true about FIFA World Cup?

A It is for only one sport.

B It takes place every year.

C It is held in different countries.

D It is for the most popular sport.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“Every few years, in a different country around the world, there’s a big sports competition. It’s like the Olympics but only for one sport. The most popular sport in the world!”可知,每隔几年(并不是每年),世界上不同的国家都会举办一场大型体育比赛。它就像奥运会,但只有一项运动,世界上最受欢迎的运动。故选B。

2.When was the second World Cup held?

A In 1930.

B In 1934.

C In 1991.

D In 2022.

解析:选B。B 数字计算题。根据第二段中的“Men from 13 countries played in the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930.”“Every four years since then there has been a Men’s World Cup.”可知第一届世界杯于1930年举办,自此每四年举办一次世界杯,由此可推算出第二届世界杯于1934年举办。故选B。

3.Where was the first Women’s World Cup held?

A In Uruguay.

B In Argentina.

C In China.

D In Norway.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“The first official (正式的) Women’s World Cup was held in China in 1991.”可知,第一届女足世界杯在中国举行。故选C。

4.How many people watched the 2022 Men’s World Cup on TV?

A At least 3,000,000,000.

B At least 300,000,000.

C At least 30, 000,000.

D At least 3,000,000.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“At least 3,000 million people in countries all over the world watched the 2022 Men’s World Cup on TV!”全世界至少有30亿人通过电视观看了2022年男子世界杯。故选A。

5.In which part of a newspaper can you find the passage?

A Travel.

B History.

C Culture.

D Sports.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了男足世界杯和女足世界杯的相关情况,与体育相关,因此可以在报纸的“体育运动”版块读到本文。故选D。