
A pigeon (鸽子) was found outside Eva’s Hair and Skin Salon in Cape Coral. It met its owner again after it was lost over 15 months because of Hurricane (飓风) Ian.

Tammy Pangburn is a worker at the salon. He had just watered the plants outside the salon door. Then Elizabeth Merriken, a customer at the salon, noticed a bird near the front door when he was watering the plants. “The water was dripping down. And I noticed this bird come up, trying to drink the water,” she said. “I’m always finding homeless animals. So it was typical for me.”

That’s when they realized this was not a wild bird but someone’s pet. Merriken tried to catch the bird and, upon further inspection, noticed a phone number on its foot. “We called him to see if he was missing a bird, and he says it’d been missing since the hurricane,” Merriken said.

The owner, who had lost the pigeon during Hurricane Ian more than 15 months ago, was very happy when knowing his pigeon was found.

Tammy Pangburn recorded the whole event. “We called that our little Christmas miracle (奇迹),” Pangburn said.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.How long was the pigeon lost?

A For 15 days.

B For 15 weeks.

C For half a year.

D For over a year.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“It met its owner again after it was lost over 15 months because of Hurricane Ian.”可知,飓风伊恩过后,它消失了15个多月,即一年多。故选D。

2.What was Pangburn doing when Merriken found the pigeon?

A He was watering the plants.

B He was having dinner.

C He was calling Merriken.

D He was catching other birds.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的“He had just watered the plants outside the salon door.”可知,美容院里的工作人员Tammy Pangburn正给门外的植物浇水,这时飞来了一只鸽子试图喝水,刚好被一名顾客发现。故选A。

3.What did Merriken find on the pigeon’s foot?

A A phone number.

B The pigeon’s name.

C The owner’s name.

D The owner’s birthday.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的“Merriken tried to catch the bird and, upon further inspection, noticed a phone number on its foot.”可知,梅里肯设法抓住了这只鸟,在进一步检查时,注意到它脚上有一个电话号码。故选A。

4.How did the owner feel when knowing his pigeon was found?

A Shocked.

B Afraid.

C Excited.

D Worried.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“was very happy when knowing his pigeon was found.”可知,这只鸽子的主人在15个多月前的飓风伊恩中失去了这只鸽子,他对鸽子的失而复得表示非常高兴。故选C。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A A kind customer.

B A Christmas miracle.

C A lovely pigeon.

D A terrible hurricane.

解析:选B。B主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了因飓风伊恩消失许久的鸽子与主人团聚了,并结合文末的“We called that our little Christmas miracle”可知人们认为这是一个意想不到的圣诞奇迹,因此“一个圣诞奇迹”符合文意。故选B。