海底捞“科目三”魔性舞 有人喜欢有人嫌
海底捞“科目三”魔性舞 有人喜欢有人嫌

Since opening in 1994, Haidilao, China’s largest hot pot chain, has become known for its unconventional approach to attracting customers. Staff members in colorful masks sometimes perform traditional Chinese opera in front of diners, even in branches in the US and Britain. And since hot pot is considered a shared experience, the restaurants sometimes offer toys as companions for solo diners. The chain, which has more than 100 stores across the world, including 13 branches in the US, has recently offered a new dance performance as part of the dining experience across its 1,400 branches. 
Videos of staff doing the “kemusan” dance while guests eat have become the latest Internet sensation (引起轰动的事) on Chinese social media. The routine is widely believed to originate from a wedding dance in the southern Chinese region of Guangxi. The dance involves performers swinging their knees sideways as they perform a quick series of hand actions, including quick wrist-twisting moves. The dance is done to music that sounds like a mix of Western disco beats and traditional Chinese folk singing. The dance has become an instant sensation. In videos posted on social media, some diners seem to enjoy it so much that they join staff in the performance.
   ▲    The act has started a debate online, with some calling it a “low” promotional method. It all started with a comment on a local Chinese online forum (论坛). A mother complained that she was annoyed by the “tacky squirming dance” following a recent meal with her family at one of the branches. Her comment quickly caused a fierce debate online. One online influencer, with 740,000 followers, called the dance “exploitation”. “The staff no longer show any emotions, looking very stiff (僵硬的) after performing kemusan. That’s too much effort,” he wrote on Weibo.
A spokesman from Haidilao told CNN that the company has been encouraging branches to be creative and financially reward staff for their hard work. “The company will also provide corresponding rewards for employees who can gain customer recognition,” Haidilao said. But the company did not comment on reports that some branches have stopped offering the dance in the wake of the recent debate.
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1.What does the first paragraph focus on?

A Haidilao’s excellent staff.

B Haidilao’s unique service.

C Haidilao’s numerous branches.

D Haidilao’s history of development.

解析:选B。B 段落大意题。根据第一段中的内容“its unconventional approach to attracting customers”以及后文的“为食客表演中国传统戏剧”“为独自前来用餐的食客提供大型公仔陪伴服务”等可知,本段主要描述了海底捞独特的服务。故选B。

2.Which is TRUE about the “kemusan” dance?

A It is a wedding dance.

B It is done to Western music.

C It only involves hand actions.

D It originates in the region of Guangxi.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“to originate from a wedding dance in the southern Chinese region of Guangxi”可知,“科目三”舞蹈起源于广西的一场婚礼舞蹈。故选D。

3.What can be put back into the “ ▲ ”?

A Some staff raised an objection to the dance.

B Not everyone finds the Haidilao dancing cute.

C The “kemusan” dance caught all diners’ heart.

D Some guests asked for more pay for employees.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第三段中描述,一位母亲评论该舞蹈引起不适,以及一位有着74万粉丝的网红评价让海底捞员工跳这个舞蹈纯属“剥削压榨”,由此可知“并不是所有人都认为‘科目三’舞蹈很有趣”。故选B。

4.What may be the spokesman’s attitude to the “kemusan” dance?

A Positive.

B Neutral.

C Indifferent.

D Critical.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中发言人说“海底捞公司一直鼓励各门店创新,积极奖励工作卖力的员工,并且为那些能够增加顾客辨识度的员工提供相应的激励”,而海底捞的“科目三”舞蹈在网上引起轰动,增加海底捞的流量,由此可推断该发言人可能会对“科目三”舞蹈持积极的态度。故选A。