
In the future cities, will we have smart buildings and flying cars? Or robots that will pick up our rubbish? What about schools? Will we still travel to school or will we study online from home? 

Maybe ... or maybe not, but what we do know is that in the future, cities are going to have more and more people living in them. More than half the world’s people already live in cities, and by 2050, cities will become home to about 6.5 billion people. That’s a lot of people and very little space! More people means that we’re going to have more pollution, traffic and noise. It also means that we’ll need more homes, schools, hospitals, jobs and transport. We’ll need more resources, like water and energy, and more ways to grow food too. Oh, and more parks to play in!
Many cities are already planning for the future. For example, Bristol is a cycling city in England. You can hire (租借) a bike (instead of taking a car or bus) and ride in cycle lanes which are separated from the traffic. In Singapore, people are looking “up” to grow food! To save space, they grow vegetables in lots of layers (层) in special tall buildings, called “vertical farms”. And in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, there are “floating houses” built on water instead of on land!
奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Why does the writer ask the questions in the first paragraph?

A To predict what cities will be like.

B To describe the modern cities.

C To introduce new ways of life.

D To show the importance of cities.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第一段的内容“在未来的城市里,我们会有智能建筑和飞行汽车吗?或者机器人会帮我们捡垃圾?学校呢?我们还会去学校还是在家在线学习?”可知,作者在预测未来城市的样子。故选A。

2.What will more people in cities need?

A More pollution.

B More traffic.

C More noise.

D More jobs.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“It also means that we’ll need more homes, schools, hospitals, jobs and transport”可知,城市人口越多,我们就需要更多住房、学校、医院、工作和交通。A、B、C三项是城市人口增多带来的问题。故选D。

3.What does the underlined word “resources” mean in Chinese?

A 经历

B 效率

C 信息

D 资源

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的“like water and energy”可知,水和能源属于“资源”。故选D。

4.What’s TRUE about vertical farms?

A People ride bikes on them.

B People plant trees on them.

C People use them to save space.

D People build them on water.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“To save space, they grow vegetables in lots of layers (层) in special tall buildings, called ‘vertical farms’”可知,为了节省空间,人们开发了“垂直农场”来种植蔬菜。故选C。

5.In which part of a magazine may the passage appear?

A Art World.

B Future Life.

C Culture Corner.

D Science Study.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。本文作者主要介绍了关于未来城市的样子,因此本文最有可能出现在杂志的“未来生活”版块。故选B。