
When a friend, co-worker or family member is going through a difficult time, we want to show up for them and show we care — but often it requires great effort to know how we can help in a way that’s both thoughtful and respectful of what they’re going through. We asked our community to share with us the small ways they’ve been able to show up for someone in their lives during a difficult time.

Being there for someone else — especially those who matter to us the most — is one of the most important things we can do as humans to deepen and strengthen our connections. And all it takes is a surprisingly simple (although not always easy) skill. It’s the beautiful art of listening — listening with compassion (同情), without distractions, and with our entire presence. You don’t have to have the perfect words or encouragement. Just put aside your own life, and just be there with your whole heart to truly listen.—Annie Bauer

When people in my life are going through a difficult time, it feels good to show them I care by dropping off a care package. Sometimes the package includes a home-cooked meal, or a batch (一批) of my delicious chocolate chip cookies. Other times, the package might be a card to let them know I am thinking of them and sending love, along with bright coloured flowers or some bath salts. The gesture always involves a hand-written note and something a little extra to know they aren’t alone.—Emily Madill

A small way I’ve shown a family member, friend or colleague some caring when they are going through a hard time is by walking their dog. Most of my friends have dogs and when they are going through a hard time, often the dog doesn’t get the same walks he or she is used to. So usually I’ll go over and give them a walk and some love and playtime. This lifts the weight of a responsibility off my friend’s shoulders so they can focus on taking care of themselves and it brings me some joy too as I love a good walk and dog love!—Sarah Rudman

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.How did the writer feel about comforting others in a thoughtful and respectful way?

A Cruel.

B Miserable.

C Challenging.

D Simple.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第一段第一句的“When a friend, co-worker or family member is going through a difficult time, we want to show up for them and show we care — but often it requires great effort to know how we can help in a way that’s both thoughtful and respectful of what they’re going through.”可知,当朋友、同事或家庭人正在经历困难时,我们想站出来支持他们,表示我们的关心——但通常情况下,我们需要付出很大的努力才能找到一种体贴和尊重他们所经历的方式向他们提供帮助。由此可知,作者认为贴心地帮助他人是具有挑战性的。故选C。

2.What is Annie Bauer’s idea?

A Offer to come over and talk.

B Take time to just listen.

C Text them to confirm their safety.

D Use comforting language.

解析:选B。B段落大意题。根据第二段的“the beautiful art of listening”“You don’t have to have the perfect words or encouragement.”和“just be there with your whole heart to truly listen”可知,Annie Bauer认为在帮助亲朋好友时只需要全心全意地倾听。故选B。

3.What can we know about Sarah Rudman?

A She is good at cooking chocolate chip cookies.

B She always writes a note when comforting others.

C She advises friends to walk their dogs when they’re sad.

D She comforts her friends by helping them walk their dogs.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段的“my delicious chocolate chip cookies”可知,擅长做巧克力饼干的是艾米丽,排除A项;根据第三段的“The gesture always involves a hand-written note”可知,艾米丽通常会送一张手写的纸条和一些额外的东西,排除B项;根据最后一段的“So usually I’ll go over and give them a walk and some love and playtime. This lifts the weight of a responsibility off my friend’s shoulders so they can focus on taking care of themselves”可知,萨拉会带她朋友家的狗去散步,这减轻了她朋友肩上责任负担,让他们在困难时刻能够专注于照顾自己,并不是建议朋友自己遛狗,排除C项。故选D。

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A What is the best title for the passage?

B How to lift the weight of a responsibility off a friend or co-worker’s shoulders.

C How to comfort a friend or co-worker going through a hard time.

D How to tell a friend or co-worker one specific way you want to help.
