
Since 1927, the American magazine Time has been naming a Person of the Year , with figures such as Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, American minister Martin Luther King Jr. and climate activist (积极分子) Greta Thunberg all honoured in the past. Super pop sensation (引起轰动的人) Taylor Swift has been named Person of the Year, beating short-listed world leaders such as King Charles III and Russian President Vladimir Putin to take out the top spot for 2023. 
Taylor’s popular Eras tour is set to bring in an estimated $2 billion in revenue, becoming the first ever tour to make more than $1 billion, while singles from the re-releases of her past albums have broken multiple records. Demand for her world tour saw web platforms crash as fans flocked online to buy tickets. Fans have already spent more than $100 million worldwide on advance tickets to watch a movie version of her concert. She also has hundreds of millions of social media followers and a loyal fan base of “Swifties”.
“Taylor Swift found a way to go beyond borders and be a source of light,” Time editor-in-chief Sam Jacobs wrote in a statement. “Much of what Swift accomplished in 2023 exists beyond measurement. She mapped her journey and shared the results with the world: she committed to validating (认可) the dreams, feelings and experiences of people, especially women, who felt overlooked and regularly underestimated. Swift is the rare person who is both the writer and hero of her own story.”
The Barbie movie had been another strong possibility to take out Time’s top honour due to its $1.4 billion success across the world this year. But the “Taylor effect” won. She was recognised for her impact on the world as a successful woman as well as her ability to break music records time and time again. As the first to be selected for the honour through achievements in the arts, Swift said she was the proudest and happiest she’s ever been. 
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1.Which of the following has not been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year?

A Volodymyr Zelensky.

B Martin Luther King.

C Vladimir Putin.

D Greta Thunberg.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,Volodymyr Zelensky、Martin Luther King Jr.以及Greta Thunberg曾经被评为年度人物;根据第一段第二句的“beating short-listed world leaders such as King Charles III and Russian President Vladimir Putin”可知,泰勒·斯威夫特打败了King Charles III和Vladimir Putin,被评为2023年的年度人物,即Vladimir Putin未被评为年度人物。故选C。

2.The second paragraph is focused on Taylor Swift’s _______.

A musical achievements

B artistic dreams

C future preparations

D past contributions

解析:选A。A 段落大意题。根据第二段的关键词句“the first ever tour to make more than $1 billion”“singles from the re-releases of her past albums have broken multiple records”“Demand for her world tour saw web platforms crash”以及“to watch a movie version of her concert”等可知,这些都是泰勒·斯威夫特在音乐方面取得的成就。故选A。

3.What does Sam Jacobs think of Taylor Swift?

A She is intelligent.

B She is influential.

C She is overlooked.

D She is underestimated.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第三段中Sam Jacobs所说的话,“Taylor Swift found a way to go beyond borders and be a source of light”泰勒·斯威夫特设法跨越了界限,并成为光的使者,由此推断,Sam Jacobs认为泰勒·斯威夫特是极具影响力的。故选B。

4.What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph?

A Taylor Swift broke musical records.

B Taylor Swift had an impact on the world.

C Taylor Swift got a role in the Barbie movie.

D Taylor Swift was named Person of the Year.

解析:选D。D 句意理解题。结合划线句的前一句“The Barbie movie had been another strong possibility to take out Time’s top honour due to its $1.4 billion success across the world this year.”电影《芭比》是另一个很有可能夺得《时代》周刊最高荣誉(年度人物)的电影,即划线句表示最终泰勒·斯威夫特胜出,被评为2023年度人物。故选D。