
Sammie Vance, 14, knows there’s nothing worse than feeling left out. For years, she’s been helping kids who feel lonely make friends. What she was doing was running the Buddy Bench program. The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling lonely could sit on the “buddy bench”. That let other kids know someone needed a friend. “It’s really helpful to have other people be able to notice you,” Sammie says.

Sammie got the idea for the Buddy Bench program at summer camp in 2017. She thought it would be cool to have a buddy bench in her school, so when she got home, she presented the idea to her principal (校长), her teachers, and her parents. Getting approval for the project was just the first step. “There have been a lot of small challenges, like money,” Sammie says.

To reduce costs and be eco-friendly, Sammie decided to make the bench out of recycled material. So she asked her community to gather bottle caps. Word of the project got out, and soon Sammie was getting caps from people all around the country. She even got them from people in Germany, the Netherlands, and other countries. In the end, she collected more than 1,200 pounds of bottle caps. A company called GreenTree Plastics was able to make these into three benches.

Before long, Sammie was helping other schools acquire benches. She has donated more than 200 benches to schools and parks all around her country, and in Mexico and Australia. Her work continues to spread kindness far and wide. “We recently got a bench in Ghana, Africa,” she says. “That was cool.”

Sammie says the effort has helped her overcome personal challenges. “I used to be really, really shy,” she says. “I’m definitely more outgoing now.” She has also learned to acknowledge her limits, and to take breaks when working on a big project. “It just helped me grow in so many different aspects of my life,” she says.

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1.What is the “buddy bench” for?

A Making students feel left out.

B Helping students make friends.

C Helping students adapt to loneliness.

D Helping students be noticed.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling lonely could sit on the ‘buddy bench’. That let other kids know someone needed a friend.”可知,坐在“伙伴长椅”上的学生可以让其他孩子知道,他/她需要朋友。由此可知,“伙伴长椅”的作用是帮助学生交朋友。故选B。

2.What can be learned from the passage?

A Sammie’s friend provided her with the idea.

B Sammie’s school refused her idea at first.

C The buddy benches cost a lot of money.

D It took over 400 pounds of bottle caps to make a bench.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句“In the end, she collected more than 1,200 pounds of bottle caps. A company called GreenTree Plastics was able to make these into three benches.”可知,收集到的1200多磅重的瓶盖被制成了三条长椅,由此可知制作一条长椅大约需要400多磅的瓶盖。故选D。

3.Which country hasn’t been donated buddy benches by Sammie?

A Ghana.

B Mexico.

C Germany.

D Australia.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“She has donated more than 200 benches to schools and parks all around her country, and in Mexico and Australia.”以及“We recently got a bench in Ghana, Africa,”可知,文中提到墨西哥、澳大利亚以及非洲的加纳这三个国家都收到了萨米捐赠的长椅。故选C。

4.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A What Sammie used to look like.

B How the program changed Sammie.

C Why the program could be successful.

D What could limit a big project.

解析:选B。B 段落大意题。结合最后一段中的描述,她以前很害羞,现在很开朗;她学会了承认自己的不足之处等以及最后一句“It just helped me grow in so many different aspects of my life”可知,本段主要描述这个项目给她带来的变化。故选B。