
What is gratitude? And why is gratitude important? Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation. It’s being thankful for what you have. Practicing gratitude is important. It can help you feel better in many ways. 
Andrea Hussong is a scientist. She works at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has found that gratitude helps kids understand their connection to others. “Gratitude connects us to other people in the world,” Hussong says. “If we’re able to express gratitude to other people, we feel connected to them.” Moreover, gratitude helps us notice what we have. These are things we might not always appreciate. Food, clothing, and a place to sleep at night are examples of these. Noticing these helps us understand that we should be thankful to the people around us. They provide us with these things. Gratitude also helps us notice what other people don’t have. We see that some people have less than we do. This helps us understand them. It connects us to them. 
Hussong says connecting to others is important, especially for kids. Gratitude leads to “better social skills, well-being, and positive mental health,” she says. Hussong has some advice about how to practice gratitude. “Take time to see the world in someone else’s shoes,” she says. “And ask yourself how they feel.”
Emily Bhatnagar started a book drive called For Love & Buttercup. She was grateful for the doctors and nurses who helped her dad when he was sick. She collected books for people who were in the hospital. “The idea came from just great gratitude,” she says. So far, she has collected more than 10,000 books. 

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1.Why are the two questions raised at the beginning?

A To introduce the topic.

B To ask readers for their opinions.

C To inspire readers’ imagination.

D To show the writer’s curiosity.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据后文介绍关于感恩的相关内容可知,文章开头提出两个问题是为了引出本文要谈论的话题——感恩。故选A。

2.What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?

A Gratitude helps connect people.

B Gratitude takes away what we have.

C Gratitude is seldom expressed by kids.

D Gratitude brings people things they need.

解析:选A。A 段落大意题。结合第二段中的关键句“gratitude helps kids understand their connection to others”以及该段反复出现的单词“connect”可知,本段主要描述感恩有助于人与人之间的联系。故选A。

3.What does Hussong advise kids to do to practice gratitude?

A To gain some better social skills.

B To maintain a healthy heart and body.

C To put on some worn shoes of others.

D To put themselves in others’ position.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段中Hussong说的话“Take time to see the world in someone else’s shoes”可知,关于孩子们如何练习感恩,她建议他们站在别人的角度看世界。故选D。

4.What does the author try to argue in the last paragraph?

A Doctors and nurses are helpful.

B Gratitude leads to giving back.

C Patients still need more books.

D The girl’s father had recovered.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。全文主要介绍心怀感恩的好处,最后一段中介绍了艾米·丽博出于对医护人员医治她的爸爸的感恩,而发起一项捐书活动,来帮助医院里的病人,即作者在本段中主要为了强调感恩带来的回报社会的行为。故选B。