
Is rewarding (奖励) children for perfect attendance(出勤) good? There are some students’ answers.

It’s important to reward children for perfect attendance. A small reward can go a long way. When kids grow up and have a job, their paycheck will be their reward. Rewarding perfect attendance in school helps kids learn this value early. And it adds to students’ sense of purpose. —Sophia, 11

Kids don’t have much control over when they’re able to come to school. They can miss school because of illness or injury, or even a family vacation. Kids should not be rewarded or penalized for things over which they have no control. If there has to be a reward for something, it should be for grades or paying attention in class. —Mark, 11

Rewarding perfect attendance is a good way. Kids should get into the habit of showing up every day. It will help them in the future, when they’re going to work. It can also make students feel good about themselves, and encourage those who usually come in late to try their best to arrive on time. —Dhruvan, 10

Kids shouldn’t be rewarded for attendance. There are other ways to achieve perfect attendance. You won’t miss out on fun projects. And there are the little things: the jokes your teacher makes, and having classmates to talk to, and to work and laugh with. These things are reward enough. So don’t be sad if you don’t get an award for perfect attendance. —Shreya, 9

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What is Sophia’s idea about rewarding children for perfect attendance?

A She thinks it’s necessary.

B She doesn’t agree with it.

C She thinks it’s boring.

D She doesn’t care about it.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“It’s important to reward children for perfect attendance.”可知,Sophia认为奖励全勤的孩子是很重要的,即有必要。故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “penalized” mean?

A Punished.

B Prevented.

C Supported.

D Doubted.


3.Dhruvan thinks rewarding perfect attendance is good for students’ ___________.

A independence

B health

C grades

D future job

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段第三句“It will help them in the future, when they’re going to work.”可知,孩子们应该养成每天出席的习惯,在他们将来工作时这将对他们有所帮助。故选D。

4.Who disagree with rewarding children for perfect attendance?

A Sophia and Mark.

B Mark and Shreya.

C Mark and Dhruvan.

D Sophia and Dhruvan.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“If there has to be a reward for something, it should be for grades or paying attention in class.”和第五段第一句“Kids shouldn’t be rewarded for attendance.”可知,Mark和Shreya不同意给学生发全勤奖。故选B。

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A Working experience.

B Skill training.

C School life.

D Everyday problems.
