
A Japanese man planted three banana trees in the median strip(中央隔离带) of a road in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The man watered them daily for two years before anyone noticed them. Recently, he was ordered to remove these banana trees. These banana trees finally got so big that they began to impinge on drivers’ field of view (视线). That may lead to traffic accidents. The Japanese man was ordered to remove the trees, or risk spending up to a year in jail or pay a fine of 500,000 yen ($3,350).

The Kurume banana trees had been getting nationwide attention for weeks, and on the day of their removal, many news reporters came. They interviewed the man who had planted them and filmed him trying to eat one of the bananas harvested from them. It was too green to be eaten, but the man ate it anyway. “It’s lonely… I feel lonely without my beautiful bananas,” the man told reporters after removing the three banana trees. 

Luckily, the banana trees have found new homes. Two of them were planted in the garden of an 80-year-old man. He promised to take good care of them. What about the third one? The “banana man” gave it to a friend as a birthday present.

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1.How often did the man water the banana trees?

A Once a month.

B Once a week.

C Every day.

D Twice a week.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段的“The man watered them daily for two years”可知,这名男子每天都会给香蕉树浇水。故选C。

2.What do the underlined words “impinging on” mean?

A Improve.

B Influence.

C Change.

D Praise.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“That may lead to traffic accidents. ”可能引起交通事故可知,香蕉树长到很高大,影响了司机的视线。故选B。

3.How did the man feel about parting with his trees?

A Happy.

B Angry.

C Shocked.

D Sad.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“It’s lonely… I feel lonely without my beautiful bananas”可知,该男子告诉媒体:“太可惜了……没有了我那美丽的香蕉树,我觉得十分孤单。”因此和香蕉树分开他觉得伤心。故选D。

4.Why did the man give a banana tree to his friend?

A To celebrate his birthday.

B To hide his tree for a while.

C To meet his friend’s need.

D To ask him to help water it.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“The ‘banana man’ gave it to a friend as a birthday present.”可知,有一棵香蕉树被男子当作生日礼物送给了一位友人。故选A。

5.What is the text?

A A news report.

B A poem.

C A children’s story.

D A notice.
