
Once upon a time there was a knight (骑士). His name was George. One day he came to a small village. He met a man who lived in a cave in the village.

The man told the knight about the terrible things in the village. A terrible dragon had come to live in the lake. He attacked (袭击) the village every day. The villagers didn’t know what to do. First, they gave the dragon all their food, but the dragon just took the food and still attacked the village. So then the villagers gave the dragon all the animals from their farms. The dragon took all the animals, but continued to attack them. So then they gave the dragon all their gold and jewels (宝石). The dragon took all, but still was not satisfied. 

Later, the king sent his army to try and catch the dragon, but the dragon was too strong andthe knights of the army were too scared and they ran away. With nothing left to give, the king could only think of one thing to help protect his people. He sent his only daughter, the princess (公主), to the lake to wait for the dragon.

When George heard this he rode as fast as he could to the lake. Just then the dragon jumped out from the lake and was going to eat the princess. George attacked the dragon. He won the fight and killed the dragon. George and the princess returned to the village and everyone was very pleased that they would have no more problems with the dragon.

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1.Who did George meet first when he came to the village?

A A princess.

B A king.

C A dragon.

D A villager.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“He met a man who lived in a cave in the village.”可知,一天他来到一个小村庄,遇到了一个村民,这位村民给他讲述了村庄的悲惨遭遇。故选D。

2.How often did George attack the village?

A Every day.

B Once a week.

C Twice a month.

D Once a year.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“He attacked the village every day.”可知,恶龙住在村子附近的湖里,每天都会袭击村庄。故选A。

3.What is the right order of what was given to the dragon?

A Animals→food→gold and jewels→the princess.

B Food→animals→gold and jewels→the princess.

C Food→gold and jewels→animals→the princess.

D Food→gold and jewels→the princess→animals.


4.What does the underlined word “pleased” mean?

A Upset.

B Worried.

C Afraid.

D Happy.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据前面描述的村民们走投无路,最后为了保护他的子民,国王只得把他唯一的公主送去湖里以及后面的“they would have no more problems with the dragon.”可推知,乔治成功击杀了困扰村民许久的恶龙,并且带着公主平安归来,大家以后再也不会受到恶龙的威胁了,因此大家都欢欣鼓舞。故选D。

5.What kind of person is George?

A Brave.

B Active.

C Humorous.

D Silent.
