
Hurricane(飓风) Ida greatly affected the people of Louisiana, but it had a major impact on local wildlife, too. Once the storm passed through the city of Slidell, reports that a dolphin was caught in their drainage(排水) canal began to spread. The poor creature needed to be rescued as soon as possible, and it would take a huge team to make it happen.

Multiple agencies came together for the rescue mission. In fact, this massive effort even earned a nickname, “Operation Free Flipper.” Some of the parties involved included NOAA Fisheries Service, the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, and the National Marine Mammal Foundation.

They started off by having a group of rescuers use kayak paddles(皮划艇划桨) to create waves in the water. In doing so, they hoped to guide the dolphin toward a net. Thankfully, the frightened dolphin did exactly that! Once he was secure, they were able to get him in a water tank that was located inside a van. From there, it was time to examine the exhausted dolphin so he could hopefully be released back into the ocean.

At an estimated 2.5 to 3 years old, this 6-foot long bottlenose dolphin had endured a pretty tough week. Luckily, his visit to the veterinarian finally gave him some good news: He was healthy enough to go back home! “He swam off, healthy and good,” said Jon Peterson, a member of the SeaWorld Rescue Team. “It was a success.”

If you’re curious about where the dolphin is now, you’re not alone. Before they released him back into the ocean, they attached(把……固定) a satellite tag onto the lovely creature so local teams, such as the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, could track his movements. “If it looks off or like he’s in trouble we’ll send crews out to intervene,” Jon added.


1.Why did the dolphin appear in the drainage canal?

A Because it lost its way in the sea.

B Because it swam in the canal by mistake.

C Because it was washed there by the tide.

D Because it was influenced by a hurricane.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,这条海豚受到飓风艾达的影响才被困在排水渠之中。故选D。

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A The dolphin got a nickname.

B The rescue mission involved many parties.

C The public paid attention to the rescue.

D Operation Free Flipper was the department in charge.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句Multiple agencies came together for the rescue mission.可知,多个机构联合起来执行救援任务。并结合后面几句可知,救援任务涉及许多方面。故选B。

3.Which of the following is the right order? a. The dolphin felt feared. b. The dolphin swam toward a net. c. The kayak paddles created waves. d. The dolphin was put in a water tank.

A a-b-c-d

B a-c-b-d

C c-a-b-d

D c-b-a-d

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段可知, 首先,一群救援人员用皮划艇划桨在水中激起波浪。他们希望引导海豚游向渔网。海豚因受到惊吓,确实这样做了。接着,他们就把海豚放在一辆面包车内的水箱里。故选C。

4.What happened to the dolphin before it was released?

A It was kept in the net in the open sea waters.

B It got a comprehensive physical examination.

C It was treated in the veterinarian’s for a long time.

D The satellite tag on its body was completely removed.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段From there, it was time to examine the exhausted dolphin so he could hopefully be released back into the ocean.及第四段Luckily, his visit to the veterinarian finally gave him some good news: He was healthy enough to go back home!可知,这条海豚在被放归海洋前夕,在兽医处接受了全面体检,最终得出的结论是其身体状况良好,可以回家。故选B。