
Often, our minds paint terrible images of the future. As a therapist (心理治疗师), I see this every day. The everlasting “what ifs.” “What if I lose my job?” “What if my wife leaves?” “What if I get cancer?” These “what ifs” can keep us trapped in a future that does not now and may never, exist. This robs us of the joy and connection we could be experiencing in the present. Still, trying not to worry is rarely effective. We don’t get to choose what thoughts come into our minds. These are some alternatives for dealing with fear of the future.

1.     ▲     

An intention for today can help keep your eyes on today. Your intention might be as simple as “I intend to be kind” or “I intend to enjoy my walk.” Focusing just on this intention narrows you into the present.

2. Practice a Mantra to Remind You of the Now

A mantra is a word or phrase that can be repeated to keep you steady (镇定的). This can be as simple as “love” or as complex as a full sentence. My mantra of this kind is “All I have to deal with is right now.” This helps me when I am overwhelmed by things outside my current concerns.

3. Set Aside a Time for Planning and Seek to Keep Your Worry There

Of course, worrying plays a purpose. It helps us plan for the future. There can be a time and place for that. Setting aside time for planning can help you set boundaries with your worry so it can fulfill its duties and so you can take part in yours.

It is difficult to remain in the moment. All of us worry at times. Still, building strategies for what is called Acceptance Commitment Therapy as “contact with the present moment” can help. If worry has captured you in a way that you are unable to overcome on your own, psychotherapy (心理治疗) can help.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Why does the writer mention “what ifs”?

A To make the passage fun.

B To prove a theory.

C To define a concept.

D To bring up the topic.


2.What can be put back into the “ ▲ ”?

A Find the Reason for Your Worry.

B Permit Yourself to Feel Anxious.

C Outline an Intention Just for Today.

D Free Yourself from an Impossible Battle.

解析:选C。C段落大意题。根据该段中反复出现的关键词“intention”以及“intend”可知,本段小标题应为“Outline an Intention Just for Today”(为今天制定一个计划)。故选C。

3.As for the role of worrying, the author is ___________ .

A skeptical

B disapproving

C tolerant

D supportive

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第四段的“Of course, worrying plays a purpose. It helps us plan for the future.”可知,担忧是有目的的,它帮助我们规划未来,因此作者认为担忧所扮演的角色是有意义的。故选D。

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A To persuade.

B To introduce.

C To appeal.

D To entertain.
