
A 31-year-old man with Down syndrome was missing for six days. He was finally found inside a small room in a Metro station in Maryland.

For nearly a week, Jimmy Hall and his family were searching for his missing son. The young man, known as Rashawn Williams, had disappeared on October 20th after leaving his caregiver and boarding a bus in Maryland.

Six days later, a police officer searching the Glenmont Metro station found Williams in a locked corridor (走廊). A station manager guided the officer to a hidden corridor, where they discovered Williams, alive and surprisingly healthy. It was believed that he had entered the corridor, and the door had locked behind him. Rather than trying to go up a steep set of stairs, he had remained in a small room.

Williams was taken to a local hospital where he received treatment. The medical staff made sure that he was in excellent health. Although it was difficult to think of Williams spending up to six days in a small space, cold, thirsty, and hungry, the family expressed relief that he was found safe.

“I was just incredible (难以置信的) from where he was at. We would never have thought that in a million days, a million years that he was in that area for six days. We scoured the whole station and he was right there the whole time.”said Hall.

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1.When did the police officer find Williams?

A On October 26th.

B On October 25th.

C On October 23rd.

D On October 22nd.

解析:选A。A数字计算题。根据第二段最后一句“had disappeared on October 20th”和第三段第一句“Six days later”可知,10月20日,他在离开看护人并登上马里兰州的一辆公交车后失踪,六天后被找到。故选A。

2.Where was Williams sent after he was found?

A To his house.

B To a hospital.

C To a bus station.

D To the police station.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Williams was taken to a local hospital where he received treatment.”可知,威廉姆斯被送往当地医院接受治疗。故选B。

3.How did people feel about Williams’ health condition?

A Scared.

B Excited.

C Surprised.

D Angry.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“Although it was difficult to think of Williams spending up to six days in a small space”和第五段前两句“I was just incredible from where he was at … he was in that area for six days.”可知,很难想象威廉姆斯会在寒冷、干渴和饥饿的密闭空间里呆上六天,别人发现他的方式,从他所在的地方来看,简直令人难以置信。从来没有人想过,他在那个地区呆了六天,因此人们都很惊讶。故选C。

4.What does the underlined word “scoured” mean?

A Gave in.

B Handed out.

C Got up.

D Searched.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句“For nearly a week, Jimmy Hall and his family were searching for his missing son.”可知,他们一直在寻找他。故选D。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a newspaper.

B On a stamp.

C In a notice.

D In a comic book.
