
Brittany Starks is a single mother of two working multiple jobs in Tennessee. Her life has not been easy. In the past few years she has been homeless, suffered from severe depression, had to care for a sick child, and was almost killed in a car accident.

It was the accident, she says, that aroused in her a desire to spread kindness in all the ways she could. She became focused on taking every opportunity she had to help those in need. On August 4, Starks offered free hair-braiding(发辫) services to her community. “I thought I was only going to get five to seven kids but I had 35,” Starks said.

Her inbox was quickly flooded with requests for appointments and Starks found herself working every night for two weeks straight into the early hours of the morning. “I wanted to do something for the parents like me whose money is going to be feeding their children and making sure they have a roof over their head,” Starks said. “I wasn’t expecting a big reaction. I thought I’d maybe get five kids or so, but I didn’t realize how huge the need was for this.” And the requests keep rolling in with many parents willing to come from out of state.

So many requests that she has had to call in extra support. She’s also launched a GoFundMe to help pay for the hairstyling supplies she was initially paying for herself. “I didn’t want to make a GoFundMe but I had so many people asking me to make one so that they can donate,” she said.

Starks says once the back to school rush is over, she plans to keep up the effort once a month for children all over Nashville. “Doing this makes me happy,” she said. “The smile on the children’s faces are priceless. It brings me so much joy to know I made a difference in their life.”


1.The author explains how Starks was going by_____.

A listing numbers

B presenting facts

C making an example

D making a comparison

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,在过去的几年里,她无家可归,患有严重的抑郁症,不得不照顾一个生病的孩子,并且差点在车祸中丧生。这些都是一个个的事实。故选B。

2.Which of the following pushed Starks to spread kindness?

A The car accident.

B A stranger’s kindness.

C The free hair-braiding service.

D A help in her childhood.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段It was the accident, she says, that aroused in her a desire to spread kindness in all the ways she could.可知,正是这起车祸激起了斯塔克斯以一切可能的方式传播善意的愿望。故选A。

3.How did people respond to Starks’s service?

A They were indifferent to it.

B They were unable to refuse it.

C They were eager to ask for help.

D They were grateful to the kindness.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段的Her inbox was quickly flooded with requests for appointments…可知, 斯塔克斯的收件箱很快被预约请求所淹没,由此推断人们急于寻求她的帮助。故选C。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Starks hopes to launch a GoFundMe in the future.

B Starks donated much money to an account of GoFundMe.

C Starks feels more fulfilled doing this than she’ve ever done.

D Starks will keep on spreading kindness all over Nashville.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段Starks says once the back to school rush is over, she plans to keep up the effort once a month for children all over Nashville.可知,斯塔克斯表示,一旦返校高峰结束,她计划继续努力为纳什维尔的孩子们编辫子,每个月一次。由此说明她将继续在纳什维尔传播善意。故选D。