
At a busy mall in Shanghai, a young man lived under a staircase (楼梯) for more than six months. He prepared a sleeping tent under the staircase in the building, along with a small desk and an office chair.

The man moved into the shopping mall over six months ago but he was quickly noticed by a security guard (保安) who wanted to kick him out at first. However, the man told the guard that he was only living under the staircase there because he needed a quiet place to study for gaokao. So the young man was allowed to stay. He promised to leave right after the important exam.

It’s not clear what happened to the security guard who found his living quarters at first, but one thing is for sure — the young man continued to live in the shopping mall until October 30.  A different guard found his surprisingly clean and organized home.

Some people said that the young man was just a “parasite (寄生虫)”. He might cause problems for people in the mall. But others praised (称赞) his ability to keep unnoticed and save money.

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1.How long did the man live under the staircase?

A For six days.

B For about six weeks.

C For over half a year.

D For over a year.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“At a busy mall in Shanghai, a young man lived under a staircase for more than six months.”可知,该男子在商场楼梯下居住超半年无人知晓。故选C。

2.What do the underlined words “kick him out” mean?

A Make friends with him.

B Give him some money.

C Help him to stay.

D Ask him to leave.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“However, the man told the guard that he was only living under the staircase there because he needed a quiet place to study for gaokao. So the young man was allowed to stay. He promised to leave right after the important exam.”可知,这名男子起初被商场一名保安发现过,他说他需要一个安静的地方备考,高考结束后就搬走,由此可知,一开始保安是要求他离开的。故选D。

3.How was the young man’s “home”?

A Small and noisy.

B Clean and quiet.

C Dirty and noisy.

D Dark and dirty.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第三句“he needed a quiet place to study for gaokao”和第三段最后一句“A different guard found his surprisingly clean and organized home.”可知,这名年轻人住的地方很安静,打扫得干净整洁。故选B。

4.Where can we read the passage?

A On a menu.

B In a science book.

C On a stamp.

D In a newspaper.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。该文主要描述了上海一男子在商场楼梯下住了半年多才被发现的相关情况,属于新闻报道,我们可以在报纸上读到本文。故选D。

5.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A People’s opinions.

B The man’s dream.

C The man’s childhood.

D People’s worries.
