
Volunteers in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, recently found a homeless dog that howled (嗥叫) in pain every night, and barely managed to get up on all fours because of the unbearable joint pain. The dog Krugets had to be placed on a large scale by a number of people, and his weight reportedly surprised everyone. Krugets weighed 99.9 kilograms and no one could understand how a homeless dog could become so heavy.

“At the moment, the dog has already been examined by a nutritionist, we took blood tests, but many more tests will be required,” one of the volunteers who rescued Krugets said, adding that a possible explanation for the dog’s extreme obesity could be the fact that he hangs around a busy market where people often throw dogs food.

Even keeping Krugets in the hospital is an issue, because the hospital simply doesn’t have big enough cages to fit him. Funding all the tests, the necessary diet, and all the pain medication is putting a heavy strain on the volunteers’ budget, but they know they can’t abandon Krugets because he most certainly wouldn’t make it through the winter in his current state.

Krugets still needs painkillers every day, and although he has started to lose weight and can get up on his own, he still cannot move. He is very friendly, and loves being petted. He still has a long way to go on his way to recovery, but the response from the public has been impressive, with many animal lovers donating to support the volunteers’ efforts. The best-case scenario (场景) is that he gets adopted by someone who really loves him. After all, he is only 5 years old and has lots of love to offer.

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1.What is true about the dog Krugets?

A He is too small.

B He is too fat.

C He is annoying.

D He is strong.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Krugets weighed 99.9 kilograms and no one could understand how a homeless dog could become so heavy.”可知,流浪狗Krugets的体重达100公斤,他如此胖以至于根本无法站立。故选B。

2.What do volunteers most expect about Krugets?

A He gets a loving family.

B He offers much love.

C He goes a longer way.

D He makes more money.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段的“The best-case scenario (场景) is that he gets adopted by someone who really loves him. ”可知,虽然这只狗现在得到很多人的捐助,但最好的情况是能够有真正爱狗的人收养他,即志愿者们最希望他拥有爱他的家人。故选A。

3.What does the underlined word “obesity” in the second paragraph probably mean?

A Fighting.

B Sadness.

C Overweight.

D Food shortage.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“so heavy”以及划线词所后文的“he hangs around a busy market where people often throw dogs food”可知,这里谈论的是这只狗的极度肥胖。故选C。

4.Which word can describe Krugets’ treatment process?

A Peaceful.

B Influential.

C Dramatic.

D Tough.
