
Tom: Look. I’m short and fat.

Jerry: Ha, ha! I’m short and fat, too.

Tom: How old are you?

Jerry: I’m nine. How about you?

Tom: I’m eight.

1.Tom is __________.

A thin and short

B short and fat

C tall and fat

D tall and thin

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据“Tom: Look. I’m short and fat.”可知,Tom又矮又胖。故选B。

2.Is Jerry thin?

A No, he can’t.

B Yes, he can.

C Yes, he is.

D No, he isn’t.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据“Jerry: Ha, ha! I’m short and fat, too.”可知,他不瘦。故选D。

3.How old is Jerry?

A 8.

B 9.

C 10.

D 11.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据“Jerry: I’m nine.”可知,杰瑞九岁。故选B。

4.How old is Tom?

A 10.

B 9.

C 8.

D 7.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据“Tom: I’m eight.”可知,汤姆八岁。故选C。