
A 50-year-old Lithuanian man reportedly faked heart attacks at 20 restaurants around the country in order to skip out on the bill. After ordering food and drinks, he would put on a performance, holding his chest tightly and pretending to faint on the floor.

Last month, the Lithuanian man was at El Buen Comer, a restaurant in Alicante, enjoying some delicious food when the staff brought him the bill for $37. When the waiter left the table, he just got up and tried to leave, but he was stopped and told that he still had to cover the bill. Visibly upset, the scammer (欺诈者) said he was going to get the money from his hotel room, but the staff didn’t let him leave. It was at this point that he started faking a heart attack.

The restaurant staff didn’t fall for his theatrical performance, and they called the police. When the officers arrived at the scene, the seemingly ill man called for medical assistance, but what he didn’t realize was that the policemen had already recognized him from arguments or quarrels at other restaurants in Alicante.

According to Spanish media, the 50-year-old man is already somewhat notorious among restaurant owners in Costa Blanca. He was first spotted in Alicante in November of 2022 and has since become famous for his heart attack routine. He knows there isn’t a lot the police can do to stop him, and doesn’t mind spending a night or two in jail (监狱) before resuming his scamming routine.

After having tricked dozens of restaurant owners with his fake heart attacks, the scammer may face his biggest challenge yet. A number of restaurant owners plan to team up and file a joint complaint (投诉) which could land the man up to two years in jail.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Why did the man fake heart attacks at the restaurants?

A To beg for food and drinks.

B To practice his acting skills.

C To get money from them.

D To avoid paying the bill.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段的“in order to skip out on the bill”可知,他假装心脏病发作是为了逃单。故选D。

2.How did the man feel when he was stopped to cover the bill?

A Surprised.

B Calm.

C Unhappy.

D Grateful.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“but he was stopped and told that he still had to cover the bill. Visibly upset, the scammer (欺诈者) said”可知,当他站起来试图离开时被拦住了,并被要求买单,他显然很沮丧,即不开心。故选C。

3.What did the man do when the police arrived?

A He paid the bill at once.

B He asked for medical help.

C He apologized to the staff.

D He quarreled with them.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段的“When the officers arrived at the scene, the seemingly ill man called for medical assistance”可知,当警察到达现场时,这名假装生病的男子请求医疗救助。故选B。

4.What does the underlined word “notorious” mean?

A Interesting to watch.

B Known for something bad.

C Uncomfortable with strangers.

D Extremely important for nature.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据前文的“the policemen had already recognized him from arguments or quarrels at other restaurants in Alicante”可知警察已经从阿利坎特其他餐馆的争吵中认出了他,并结合后文的“He was first spotted in Alicante in November of 2022”可知,他于2022年11月首次在阿利坎特被认出,由此可知这个欺诈犯在西班牙国内已经“臭名昭著”。故选B。