英国男子多年不花一分钱 倡导“免费经济运动”
英国男子多年不花一分钱 倡导“免费经济运动”

Mark Boyle, aka The Moneyless Man, gave up on using money in 2008 and has been living a money-free lifestyle ever since. Along the way, he also gave up technology and adopted a more ‘natural’ life.

Having graduated college with a degree in business and economics, Mark Boyle quickly found a good-paying job at a food company in Bristol, UK. That had been his plan for years — get a good job and buy all the material things that society (himself included) associated (联系) with success. But everything changed one night in 2007, during a friendly talk with a friend. They were discussing world problems and how to best deal with them to actually make a difference. That’s when he realized that money was at the root of most problems. Soon after that, Mark sold his expensive houseboat, moved into an old caravan (房车) that someone donated to him because they just wanted to get rid of it, and began his money-free existence.

“The first few months were hard,” Mark admitted. “If you think about how disruptive it is when you just move house or change a job, imagine changing everything at once. But after a couple of months, it became very easy, I had all my routines worked out. I have found the past two years to be the most fulfilling of my life. I’ve more friends in my community than ever. I’ve found that friendship, not money, is real security,” Mark Boyle wrote in 2010.

In 2017, Mark decided to take his lifestyle to another level by “quitting industrialization (工业化)”. He shunned most of the technology we enjoy on a daily basis — from electricity and running water to radio and the Internet, and returned to what many would describe as a simpler lifestyle.

Boyle says that living the way he does is far from easy, adding that he knows it would be impossible for everyone to follow his example. However, he hopes that his example will at least inspire people to be less dependent on money and industrialization.

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1.What had been Mark’s plan for years?

A Being free.

B Being always fit.

C Being successful.

D Being happy.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的“That had been his plan for years — get a good job and buy all the material things that society (himself included) associated with success.”可知,找到一份好工作,购买所有看起来与成功相关的物质是他多年的计划,因此他多年的计划是变得成功。故选C。

2.Which word can describe Mark’s life when he just began his money-free existence?

A Romantic.

B Boring.

C Easy.

D Tough.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“The first few months were hard”可知,他刚开始执行“免费经济运动”的时候遇到了很多困难与挑战。故选D。

3.What does the underlined word “shunned” mean?

A Detected.

B Avoided.

C Combined.

D Predicted.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据前面的“quitting industrialization”和后面的“a simpler lifestyle”“be less dependent on money and industrialization”可知,他决定通过“退出工业化”,将他的极简主义生活方式提升到另一个层次。因此他避开了我们日常享受的大部分技术,回到了许多人所说的更简单的生活方式。故选B。

4.What type of writing is this text?

A An announcement.

B An art show review.

C A news report.

D An exhibition guide.
