
A donkey lived in the woods alone. He had no friends.
One day a jackal (豺) passed by. He went up to the donkey and said, “What is the matter? Why do you look so sad?” The donkey answered, “I have no friends and am very lonely.” “Well, don’t worry. I will be your friend from today,” the jackal comforted him. From that day, the donkey and jackal became very good friends. They were always seen together.
One evening, the two were walking in the woods. As they walked on, they saw a lot of fruit trees. “Ah. Look! How wonderful and delicious the fruits look,” said the donkey. “Let’s eat some of them.” “Okay,” said the jackal. “But let’s do it very quietly.”

They silently started to eat the fruits. After eating enough, they lay under a tree happily. “That was delicious, but there is something missing tonight,” said the donkey. “What is that?” asked the jackal. “Music, of course,” answered the donkey, looking a little surprised. The jackal asked, “Where are we going to get music from?” The donkey said. “Don’t you know that I am a wonderful singer?” The jackal was alarmed. “Remember, we are in a fruit garden. If the farmer hears us, we will be in trouble. If you want to sing, let us go away from here,” he advised the donkey. 

“You think I can’t sing, don’t you?” asked the donkey in a hurt voice. “Wait till you hear me.” The jackal realised that the donkey was not willing to take his good advice. He moved away and hid himself behind the trees. The donkey threw back his head and started his song. “He … haw, hee-haw,” he brayed (嘶叫) aloud.
Later, the farmers heard the loud braying...

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1.Why was the donkey sad?

A Because he lived alone.

B Because he had no friends.

C Because he didn’t like music.

D Because he got lost in the woods.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“I have no friends and am very lonely.”可知,驴很难过的原因是他没有朋友,感到孤独。故选B。

2.What did the donkey and the jackal meet in the woods?

A A fruit garden.

B Many animals.

C Another donkey.

D A singer.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段的“a lot of fruit trees”和第四段的“we are in a fruit garden”可知,他们在森林里遇到一个果园。故选A。

3.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A The jackal wanted to sing.

B The donkey was hurt.

C The jackal was ready to go.

D The donkey wanted to sing.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据上下文可知,驴在吃饱喝足后觉得缺了点音乐,豺问他音乐从哪里来,驴说“难道你不知道我是个很棒的歌手吗?” 意在表明自己就可以现场来点音乐,即唱歌。故选D。

4.Why did the jackal hide behind the trees?

A To avoid being hurt.

B To sing a song quietly.

C To follow the donkey.

D To give some advice.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据倒数第三段豺说的话“If the farmer hears us, we will be in trouble. If you want to sing let us go away from here”可知,他躲到树后面是为了避免被农民发现后陷入麻烦。故选A。

5.What might the farmers do?

A Comfort the donkey.

B Praise the donkey.

C Give the donkey some fruits.

D Beat the donkey.
