14岁男孩湖边钓鱼 “钓”到一个装满现金的钱包
14岁男孩湖边钓鱼 “钓”到一个装满现金的钱包

Connor Halsa is 14 years old. One day, he was on a fishing trip with his family. He caught something unexpected: a wallet. When he looked inside, he was even more surprised. It was not empty. It was holding some personal things and some money.

“I thought I had a big fish,” the boy said. “My cousin Brandon opened the wallet and said there was money in it. He showed everyone and then we took the money out and placed it all on the car to let it dry off.” As it turned out, there were 2,000 dollars in the wallet. Connor and his father both agreed to try to find the owner and return the money.

Thankfully, there was also a business card with the owner’s name on it: Jim Denney, a farmer from Iowa. He’d been fishing on the same lake last year when the wallet fell out without him noticing. He had to return to his hotel without a penny on him. That made him feel very terrible. “That was the worst feeling I’ve ever had,” he said.

Jim was shocked. He was very thankful when Connor and his family contacted him. He never imagined he’d see that wallet again. When he got his wallet, he tried to give the boy some money. However. The boy didn’t take it. “We didn’t really work hard for the money,” he said. This touched Jim even more. He took the family out to dinner. “I would take Connor for a grandson any day and I would fight for him any day,” the farmer said.

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1.What was Connor doing when he found the wallet?

A He was swimming.

B He was fishing.

C He was camping.

D He was boating.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“One day, he was on a fishing trip with his family.”可知,他和家人在钓鱼。故选B。

2.Why did they put the money on the car?

A To dry it.

B To ask for help.

C To look for the owner.

D To meet his father’s need.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段的“placed it all on the car to let it dry off”可知,他们把现金放在车上是为了把它晾干。故选A。

3.What made Connor and his family find the owner?

A An ID card.

B A notebook.

C A business card.

D The money.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第三段第一句的“there was also a business card with the owner’s name on it: Jim Denney”可知,钱包里有一张名片,上面有失主的名字,这样他们得以找到失主。故选C。

4.What might Jim say to Connor?

A What do you mean?

B Thank you so much.

C You’re welcome.

D That’s right.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句的“He was very thankful”可知,吉姆非常感激康纳,即他最有可能对他说“非常感谢”。故选B。

5.How did Jim thank Connor?

A By giving him money.

B By taking him to dinner.

C By offering him a wallet.

D By playing games with him.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“He took the family out to dinner.”可知,吉姆带康纳一家去吃晚饭以示感谢。故选B。