的士司机意外带走爱猫 男子苦苦搜寻终找回
的士司机意外带走爱猫 男子苦苦搜寻终找回

Last Saturday, Palash Pandey took his cat, Tux, to a pet hospital. His cat was ill.

Pandey and Tux took a taxi. Pandey was sitting behind the driver. The cat was sitting next to the driver. When they arrived at the hospital, Pandey got off from the taxi and started walking to get the cat. But before Pandey could open the front door, the driver started driving. Pandey ran behind the car and shouted, but the driver drove off.

Pandey tried his best to contact (联系) the driver. But there was no answer. He also called the police and turned to the Internet for help. About three hours after Pandey called the police, the driver called Pandey. But the driver said he knew nothing about the cat.

On Monday morning, Tux was found.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Why did Pandey go to the pet hospital?

A Because he was sick.

B Because his cat was ill.

C Because he needed to see a doctor.

D Because he went to visit his friend.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“His cat was ill.”可知,他们去医院是因为他的猫生病了。故选B。

2.How did Pandey go to the hospital?

A By taxi.

B By car.

C On foot.

D By bike.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Pandey and Tux took a taxi.”可知,他们乘坐出租车去医院。故选A。

3.Who took the cat away?

A Pandey.

B Tux.

C The driver.

D The police.


4.Pandey turned to the Internet to _______.

A call the driver

B look for attention

C call the police

D ask for help

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“He also called the police and turned to the Internet for help.”可知,Pandey转向网络求助。故选D。

5.Tux went missing for ______.

A about three nights

B about four mornings

C about two days

D about one week

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段的“last Saturday”和最后一段的“On Monday morning”可知,猫猫于周六白天失踪,周一早上被找到,由此可知,它失踪了大约两天。故选C。