男子意外丢失爱猫 社会各界帮忙寻回
男子意外丢失爱猫 社会各界帮忙寻回

Local resident Palash Pandey said he used Lyft to take his cat, Tux, to the Banfield Pet Hospital for an appointment last Saturday. “I was sitting behind the driver and had the cat carrier on the floor of the passenger side back seat,” Pandey explained. “Once we reached, I got off from the driver side door and started walking to the passenger side door to pick her up. Before I could open the door, the driver started driving. I banged on the back and passenger windows and screamed running behind him but he drove off.”

Pandey made multiple attempts to contact the driver through the Lyft app but received no response. Pandey also contacted the police department about the incident and filed a report, as well as posted about it on social media. Around three hours after filing the police report, the driver called Pandey claiming he had no knowledge of Tux’s whereabouts (下落).

Pandey continued to post detailed, real-time updates on the Internet throughout his search for Tux. He put up leaflets all around town. A segment (片段) featuring Tux was broadcasted by a local news station, and they shared pictures of Tux on their social media profiles.

On Monday morning, investigators from Lyft informed Pandey they had found Tux. Pandey said they did not find her carrier and shared these words from the investigator who found her: “Cat ran up a set of stairs on the back of the building next to it. The team was able to get her caught up at the top of the stairs and she was too scared to jump from up there. I was able to give my over shirt to the team member at top of the stairs to wrap her up in and had an extra cat carrier that I brought with me just in case.”

Pandey posted a final update on the Internet and extended gratitude to everyone who had shared Tux’s photos and helped spread information about her disappearance.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What happened to the cat?

A It was sold.

B It was hurt.

C It was missing.

D It was stolen.


2.How did the driver contact Pandey?

A Through the Lyft app.

B Through the police report.

C Through the Internet.

D Through his friends.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第二段的“Around three hours after filing the police report, the driver called Pandey”可推知,司机是在看到警方讯息之后联系上潘迪的。故选B。

3.What’s the function of the extra cat carrier?

A To keep the cat warm.

B To deal with people’s fear.

C To prevent the cat from danger.

D To let the cat jump in.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“she was too scared to jump from up there”“and had an extra cat carrier that I brought with me just in case”可知,猫当时在楼梯上,被吓到了,不敢从上面跳下来,猫笼也丢了,由此推测,额外的猫笼是为了预防猫突然跳下受伤。故选C。

4.What message does the story convey?

A A strong-willed soul can reach his goal.

B Experience helps to promote excellence.

C Ups and downs make one strong.

D Kindness is the sunshine of social life.
