
A 14-year-old boy was on a fishing trip with his family when he caught something unexpected: a stranger’s wallet. Upon looking inside, Connor Halsa was even more surprised to find that it wasn’t empty. Although waterlogged, the wallet was still holding some personal items and cash. A lot of cash.

“I thought I had a big fish,” the teen said. “My cousin Brandon opened the wallet up and said there was some money in it and he showed everyone and then we took the money out and placed it all on the car to let it dry off.” As it turns out, there was about $2,000 in the wallet. Connor and his father both agreed that the only course of action was to try to find the owner and return the money. “My dad said we should give it to the person, so I told him we should, too,” Connor said.

Thankfully, there was also a business card with the owner’s name on it: Jim Denney, a farmer from Iowa. He’d been fishing on the very same lake last year when the wallet fell out of his pocket without him noticing. This made for an embarrassing situation when he returned to his hotel to settle the bill. “That was the worst feeling I ever had. I didn’t have a penny on me,” said Jim.

Jim was both shocked and grateful when Connor and his family contacted him. He never imagined he’d see that wallet or its contents again. When the farmer arrived in Minnesota to pick up his belongings, he tried to give the teenager reward money. However, the boy couldn’t be persuaded to take it. “We didn’t really work hard for the money. He did, so it was his money,” he said. This impressed Jim even more. He took the family out to dinner and gifted the young man a personalized cooler. “I would take Connor for a grandson any day and I would fight for him any day,” the farmer said.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What does the underlined word “waterlogged” mean?

A Short of water.

B Full of water.

C Made of water.

D Protected against water.


2.What did Connor decide to do with the wallet?

A Give it to the police.

B Help people in need.

C Share it with his father.

D Return it to the owner.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“Connor and his father both agreed that the only course of action was to try to find the owner and return the money.”可知,康纳决定寻找失主,归还钱包和里面的钱。故选D。

3.Why did Jim Denney feel embarrassed last year?

A He didn’t catch any fish.

B He had no money to pay the hotel bill.

C He never saw his wallet again.

D He didn’t know Connor and his family.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段的“This made for an embarrassing situation when he returned to his hotel to settle the bill.”可知,吉姆·丹尼返回酒店结账时发现自己身无分文,这让他感到很尴尬。故选B。

4.How did Jim feel about what Connor did?

A Relaxed and delighted.

B Disappointed and hurt.

C Surprised and touched.

D Hopeless and helpless.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段的“shocked and grateful”“impressed”等可知,吉姆对康纳归还自己钱包的事情感到惊讶、感激和印象深刻。故选C。