
Traditional Chinese clothes reflected traditional Chinese aesthetics (美学), philosophy, and social values as they changed through over 3,000 years of history. Next, I will introduce you to some traditional Chinese clothing.

1. Hanfu — The Most Traditional Chinese Clothing

The Hanfu is the oldest of China’s traditional clothes. Legend traces it back to over 4,000 years ago when Huangdi’s consort, Leizu, made cloth with silk. It was constantly improved throughout several dynasties.

Until the Han Dynasty, the Hanfu was adopted and promoted by the ruling class. It then became the national clothing of the Han ethnic people. It also had a far-reaching influence on neighboring Asian countries, such as Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

Nowadays, people seldom wear Hanfu except on special occasions, such as festivals and wedding ceremonies, or by young people who want to take photos.

2. Qipao (Cheongsam) — the Most Famous Traditional Chinese Dress

The cheongsam (qipao) evolved (进化) from the Manchu women’s changpao of the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912). The Manchu ethnic people were also called the Qi people by the Han people; hence their long gown was named qipao.

Originating in the Qing Dynasty, the cheongsam has mainly developed into Beijing styles, Shanghai styles and Hong Kong styles. There are many differences in decorations, colors, materials, and designs.

3. Tang Suit

The Tang suit often refers to a type of Chinese jacket rather than the clothing of the Tang Dynasty (618–907). The origin of Tang suit actually only dates back to the Qing Dynasty era (1644–1911). It was developed from a type of the era’s Manchurian clothing — the magua (马褂).

Traditional Tang suits, based on the magua of the Manchu ethnicity, usually have Chinese characters on them. The most popular characters include fu (福, “happiness and good luck”) and shou (寿, “longevity”).

Nowadays, Tang suits have become a kind of formal dress worn on some special occasions, such as Chinese New Year, wedding ceremonies, or important events.

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1.Which of the following statements about Hanfu is TRUE?

A It is the most famous of China’s traditional clothes.

B It has remained in its original form for thousands of years.

C It impacted neighboring Asian countries’ clothing.

D People seldom wear it even on special occasions.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“It also had a far-reaching influence on neighboring Asian countries, such as Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.”可知,汉服对韩国、日本和越南等亚洲邻国的服饰也产生了深远的影响。故选C。

2.What can we know about the cheongsam from the text?

A Its history.

B Its material.

C Its design.

D Its color.


3.What is the purpose of Chinese characters on Tang Suits?

A To decorate the clothing.

B To express good luck or best wishes.

C To make the clothing more special.

D To express people’s love for their country.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“The most popular characters include fu (福, “happiness and good luck”) and shou (寿, “longevity”).”可知,传统的唐装上面通常有汉字。最受欢迎的汉字包括福(代表幸福和好运)和寿(代表长寿),因此唐装上印汉字是为了表示好运或祝福。故选B。

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A Chinese Zodiac.

B Traditional Costumes.

C Chinese Regions.

D Traditional History.
