东京残奥会上用嘴打乒乓球的运动员 没有双臂靠脚发球
东京残奥会上用嘴打乒乓球的运动员 没有双臂靠脚发球

Ibrahim Hamadtou of Egypt was just 10 years old when a tragic train accident resulted in the amputation(截肢) of both of his arms. Children are resilient, and Ibrahim didn’t let his life-changing circumstances keep him from playing, working, and eventually growing up to marry and have three kids. Oh, did we mention he’s also a world-famous table tennis player?

“In our village, we could only play, at that time, table tennis and soccer — that’s why I played both,” Ibrahim said. “It was logic to play soccer first due to my case; then I played table tennis as a challenge.”

All it took was one friend’s snide words to inspire Ibrahim to succeed at table tennis. “I was in the club where I was officiating(担任裁判) a match between two of my friends,” he recalled. “They disagreed on a point, when I counted the point in favor of one of them, the other player told me, do not interfere as you will never be able to play. It was that statement that fired me up to decide to play table tennis.”

And play he did! Ibrahim has earned several honors throughout his career so far, including silver medals in the African Para Table Tennis Championships in 2011 and 2013.

To play, Ibrahim holds the paddle in his mouth and uses his foot to serve the ball.“It took me nearly a year of practice to get used to holding the racket with my mouth and making the serve; with practice and playing regularly this skill was improved,” he said.

This legend now competes against some of the greatest players in the world and has attended the last two Paralympic games. While he didn’t win against China’s Chen Chao at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, he has gained international recognition for his perseverance and incredible talent. That is the face of true determination! Ibrahim is showing other people with limb differences that there’s a spot for them at his table. 


1.After losing his arms, Ibrahim Hamadtou_____.

A almost lost all his hope

B learned how to make some changes

C lived under the shadow of sorrow for years

D didn’t let the horrible accident affect his life

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第一段Ibrahim didn’t let his life-changing circumstances keep him from playing, working, and eventually growing up to marry and have three kids.可知,易卜拉欣并没有因为生活环境的改变而放弃玩耍、工作,最终长大成人结婚生子。由此看出他没有让可怕的事故影响他的生活。故选D。

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “snide”?

A Indirect.

B Aggressive.

C Unkind.

D Friendly.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据第三段可知,有一次,易卜拉欣在俱乐部里为两个朋友之间的比赛作裁判,他们在一个得分上意见不一致,当他为他们中的一位计分时,另一位选手告诉他,不要干涉,因为易卜拉欣永远不能打球。正是那句话让易卜拉欣决定打乒乓球。由此猜测snide意为“讽刺的,挖苦的”。选项C与之意思最为接近,故选C。

3.Which of the statements about Ibrahim is TRUE according to the passage?

A Ibrahim has became a gold medalist twice since 2011.

B Ibrahim is a born table tennis player with full experience.

C Ibrahim won the championship at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

D Ibrahim cannot be successful without his perseverance and talent.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段While he didn’t win against China’s Chen Chao at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, he has gained international recognition for his perseverance and incredible talent.可知,虽然他没有在2020年东京残奥会上击败中国选手陈超,但他以其坚韧不拔的毅力和惊人的天赋赢得了国际认可。由此说明没有他的毅力和天赋,易卜拉欣就不可能成功。故选D。

4.What column might the passage be from in a newspaper?

A Health and diets.

B Art and culture.

C Sports and lifestyles.

D Science and technology.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了东京残奥会上用嘴打乒乓球的运动员易卜拉欣·哈马托故事,所以本文应该出现在报纸上的“体育和生活方式”专栏。故选C。