
A British tourist Charles George Courtney stayed at the Korumar Hotel De Luxe in Aydin, Turkey, every year for vacation. Taskin Dasdan, who has worked as a bellboy (行李员) in the hotel for 31 years, struck up a friendship with Charles.

“We treat everyone the same. However, Charles George Courtney loved us very much. When he came to the hotel after a meeting, he would even entrust his money to me and ask me what I needed,” Taskin said.

When Charles died earlier this year, his family was surprised to find that he left a significant part of his fortune (财富) to some of the hotel staff, especially Taşkin.

“He treated us as if we were part of his own family,” said Taskin. “He even contributed to the education of my children...Of course we were emotional.”

But never in his wildest dreams did Taskin think he would get a call from the UK to say he had been left a small fortune by the tourist. Although the exact amount of money left to Taskin is unknown, it is enough so that he will “never have to work a day in his life again”.


1.To Taskin Dasdan, Charles George Courtney isn’t __________.

A a guest

B a friend

C a traveller

D a stranger

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段可知,英国游客查尔斯·乔治·考特尼(Charles George Courtney)每年都会入住塔斯金·达斯丹(Taskin Dasdan)所在的酒店,他们两人建立了友谊。故选D。

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A Charles was grateful to the hotel.

B Charles did the similar things like others.

C Charles preferred staying in Taskin’s hotel.

D Charles had a close relationship with Taskin.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段When he came to the hotel after a meeting, he would even entrust his money to me and ask me what I needed可知,当查尔斯在会后来到酒店时,他甚至会把钱托付给塔斯金,问他需要什么。由此说明查尔斯与塔斯金关系密切。故选D。

3.Which of the following about the Charles’s fortune is TRUE?

A Its exact amount is unknown.

B It’s life-saving money for Taskin.

C It was shared by all the hotel staff.

D It will be used in kids’ education.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段Although the exact amount of money left to Taskin is unknown...可知,留给塔斯金的确切金额不得而知。故选A。

4.According to the passage, Taskin knew the fortune __________.

A through Charles

B through Charles’s family

C through a phone call

D through the hotel staff

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段But never in his wildest dreams did Taskin think he would get a call from the UK to say he had been left a small fortune by the tourist.可知,塔斯金接到来自英国的电话才了解到有关这笔财富的情况的。故选C。

5.How did Taskin feel when he learn about the fortune?

A Joyful.

B Excited.

C Worried.

D Unexpected.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段But never in his wildest dreams did Taskin think he would get a call...可知,塔斯金做梦也没想到会接到来自英国的电话,由此推断他当时感到很意外。故选D。