
What should fashionable women be wearing this September? The answer, according to Vogue Magazine, is red. It’s London Fashion Week. The color of the moment is red—bright and brave.

Nowadays, most of us wear what we choose. But things were very different in the past. In 15th-century England, only the rich and powerful were allowed to wear the red. The English King Henry VIII passed four laws to make sure everyone followed the rules. Why red? According to Professor Lisa Jardine of University College, London, the answer is all about money and power. The chemicals that turned cloth red were expensive then—so only rich and powerful people could buy red clothing.

Red also had other, more negative(负面的) meanings for women. So Queen Elizabeth I often wore white as a symbol of her purity(纯洁)—and Queen Elizabeth II wore a white dress for her coronation(加冕仪式). But times are changing, and these days, women can wear their favorite shade of red without fear. Even the Queen is wearing red in public, and it is one of Princess Kate’s favorite colors.

1.According to the passage, Vogue is most likely a magazine of ________.

A fashion

B fishing

C cooking

D history

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。文章第一段第一句提出问题:今年九月时尚的女性穿什么?第二句Vogue杂志给出答案:红色(衣服),由此可推断Vogue是时尚杂志。故选A。

2.In the 15th century, who could NOT wear red?

A The King.

B Rich people.

C Powerful people.

D Poor people.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句In 15th-century England, only the rich and powerful were allowed to wear the red.(在15世纪的英格兰,只有富人和有权力的人才允许穿红色)可知穷人是不能穿红色的。故选D。

3.Queen Elizabeth II chose to wear white for her coronation because ________.

A white was a symbol of purity

B white was her favorite color

C the law said so

D she was rich and powerful

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句So Queen Elizabeth I often wore white as a symbol of her purity(纯洁)—and Queen Elizabeth II wore a white dress for her coronation(加冕仪式).可知Queen Elizabeth II加冕仪式穿白色裙子是因为白色是纯洁的象征。故选A。

4.Who likes wearing red?

A Queen Elizabeth I.

B Queen Elizabeth II.

C Princess Kate.

D Professor Lisa Jardine.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。第三段最后一句Even the Queen is wearing red in public, and it is one of Princess Kate’s favorite colors.说明红色是Princess Kate最喜欢的颜色,由此推断Princess Kate喜欢穿红色。故选C。

5.According to the passage, red has NOT been a symbol of ________.

A richness

B power

C fashion

D the Queen

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第一段可知红色是时尚的象征,排除C选项;根据第二段可知红色是富裕和权力的象征,排除A和B选项;文章里没有提及红色是女王的象征。故选D。