

In the Shanghai tragedy on New Year's Eve, 36 people have died and 49 were injured. The tragedy happened at 11:35 pm on the Chenyi Square where large crowds of people come to celebrate the New Year. 

The Shanghai government has told the names of 32 dead ones on its microblog, the rest is still unknown. Among the dead ones, 21 are female and 11 are male. Most were in their early 20s.  The oldest was 37 years old and the youngest was only 12. The dead people came from all across the country. Several tourists from outside the Chinese mainland also got caught in the mix, including two from Taiwan and one from Malaysia. 18 of the injured have left hospital, and the rest are still in hospital. 13 of them are in serious condition. Most of the injured were female, and there were several young children. 

Local people and visitors have come to the place of tragedy. They brought flowers and food to mourn for the dead people and show their sadness and love.


1.When did the the Shanghai tragedy happen?

A At noon on New Year’s Eve.

B At noon on New Year’s Day.

C At midnight on New Year’s Eve.

D At midnight on New Year’s Day.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的… on New Year's Eve和第二句的The tragedy happened at 11:35 pm…可知,悲剧发生在元旦前夕的凌晨。故选C。

2.We can learn the dead people’s names ________________.

A on the Shanghai government’s newspaper

B from the Shanghai government’s office

C from the dead people’s home

D on the Shanghai government’s microblog

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句The Shanghai government has told the names of 32 dead ones on its microblog… 可知,在上海官方微博上可以看见死者名单。故选D。

3.How many injured people are still in hospital?

A 31

B 3

C 18

D 21

解析:选A。A 数字计算题。从第一段的…49 were injured和 第三段的18 of the injured have left hospital, and the rest are still in hospital.可知,49人受伤,18人已离开医院,其余的还在医院,因此推断还有31人在医院。故选A。

4.Why did many people come to the place of tragedy?

A To mourn the dead people.

B To offer food to the injured.

C To give flowers to the doctor.

D To take a lesson from it.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段的… to mourn for the dead people…可知答案。

5.From the passage, we know that ______________________.

A too many people came to Chenyi Square to celebrate the New Year.

B the Shanghai government has known all the names of 36 dead ones

C The oldest injured was 37 years old and the youngest was only 12

D All the dead people came from Chinese mainland.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段的…come to celebrate the New Year可知A项是正确的。B项中,应该是知道了32个人的名字;C项中,应是去世的人,而不是受伤的人;D项中,并不是都来自大陆,还有来自台湾和马来西亚的。