励志厨师爱美食 愉悦视频暖人心
励志厨师爱美食 愉悦视频暖人心

With a love for cooking and acting, 30-year-old Adam Libby found a way to combine the two on his growing TikTok page. Although his account is only a little over a year old, he has already reached over 300, 000 followers.

Adam’s journey to becoming a chef all began with an organization called Living Innovations. This incredible group supports “people of all ages and abilities to have a good life at home and in the community,” including individuals with Down syndrome(唐氏综合症) like Adam!

Living Innovations provides a wide range of assistance like shared living spaces, community support, job coaching, and more. These services match people like Adam with direct support professionals (DSP), who are there to come alongside the people they’re assigned to however they can.

With the help of his DSP, Adam was able to create his very own TikTok account. In his heartwarming videos, you can find him going over each step of the cooking process as he puts together plenty of delicious meals. Like most food videos, they’ll leave you wishing you could reach through the screen and take a bite!

Watching a meal come to life from start to finish is satisfying, especially once the final product is revealed. But what truly stands out the most in Adam’s videos is Adam himself! His passion for cooking and his bubbly(活泼的) personality shine through in every single one.

In fact, Adam has become so popular that he caught the attention of a local chef from Connecticut. This total stranger was generous enough to send him his very own chef coat and knife.“Thank you, Tommy the chef!” Adam said in his video showing off the amazing gifts.


1.Which of the following best describes Living Innovations?

A It is a name of TikTok account.

B It is a community of Down syndrome.

C It is a training organization for cooking and acting.

D It is a group providing assistance for people like Adam.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段This incredible group supports “people of all ages and abilities to have a good life at home and in the community,” including individuals with Down syndrome(唐氏综合症) like Adam!可知,Living Innovations是一个团体,为所有年龄段自食其力的人提供帮助。故选D。

2.What kind of help does Adam get from Living Innovations?

A Job coaching.

B Community support.

C Experience sharing.

D Direct guidance from professionals.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段These services match people like Adam with direct support professionals (DSP), who are there to come alongside the people they’re assigned to however they can.可知,Living Innovations将像亚当这样的人与直接支持专业人员(DSP)相配对,这些专业人员将尽可能地与分配给他们的人一起并肩作战。即亚当获得的是专业人员的直接帮助,故选D。

3.Adam does everything in the videos EXCEPT _______.

A creating his own TikTok account

B cooking lots of delicious meals

C explaining the cooking process

D taking close-up shots of food

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,在DSP的帮助下,亚当创建了自己的TikTok账号,而并没有在视频中展示他创建TikTok账号。B(制作美味的食物)、C(介绍制作美食的步骤)、D(拍摄美食的特写镜头)的每一项都是在视频中展示的。故选A。

4.What probably impressed the chef Tommy most in Adam’s video?

A Adam’s gift for cooking and acting.

B The delicious meals Adam has made.

C Adam’s increasing popularity on TikTok.

D Adam’s love for cooking and his positive personality.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段But what truly stands out the most in Adam’s videos is Adam himself! His passion for cooking and his bubbly personality shine through in every single one.但是亚当视频中最出彩的还是他自己,他对烹饪的热情和他活泼的个性在每一件作品中都表现得淋漓尽致。由此推断让the chef Tommy印象深刻的是亚当对烹饪的热情和他活泼的个性。故选D。