
Republic Services garbage trucks dump 4,500 tons of trash into its landfill(废物填埋场) in Oberlin, Ohio, six days a week. “Trucks coming in from every direction, Downtown Cleveland all the way to Vermilion, dumping garbage,” said operations supervisor Gary Capan.

Last Wednesday, Capan said they got a frantic call from a customer saying she lost something important in the garbage. “It turned out to be $25, 000,” said Capan. “They were cleaning out their house for their grandmother and they cleaned out the refrigerator, threw out all the garbage, grabbed all the freezer stuff and put it in a bag, and then the grandma was like, ‘Hey, there’s an envelope with $25,000 in there, don’t lose that,’ and she’s like, ‘Grandma, I already lost that, it’s in the garbage!’”

Capan said they immediately got to work to find the missing money. “One team was trying to track down the driver and find out exactly what his location was and if he made it to the landfill yet,” said Capan.

Fortunately, the truck driver had not dropped his load at the landfill yet, so Capan and his team made arrangements to have the truck driver drop off his six-ton load at a recycling center in Oberlin.

As soon as it was dumped out, it was all hands on deck to find the cash. Dan Schoewe was one of the 10 workers who jumped in to search for the money and was the lucky one who spotted the bag it was inside. “Couldn’t believe it took 10 minutes and actually, I said, ‘Man, it looks just like that,’ pulled it off, opened it up and there was the package inside with the money. They were so happy, they were tearing up,” said Schoewe.


1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A Garbage trucks remove garbage only on weekdays.

B The landfill in Oberlin receives a great deal of trash.

C Republic Services recycles trash in its landfill.

D The destination of the trucks is Downtown Cleveland.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段Republic Services garbage trucks dump 4,500 tons of trash into its landfill(废物填埋场) in Oberlin, Ohio, six days a week.可知,在俄亥俄州的奥伯林市,垃圾车一周六天向其填埋场倾倒4500吨垃圾,即大量的垃圾。故选B。

2.Where did Grandma exactly put the money?

A In a bag.

B In the house.

C In the garbage.

D In the refrigerator.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段的...grabbed all the freezer stuff and put it in a bag, and then the grandma was like, ‘Hey, there’s an envelope with $25,000 in there, don’t lose that...可知,失主他们在为祖母打扫房子,他们清理了冰箱,扔掉了所有的垃圾,抓起冰箱里所有的东西放进了一个袋子,当然,袋子也被扔进了垃圾桶。由此推断祖母把钱放进了冰箱,故选D。

3.How did Republic Services respond to the missing money?

A They asked the truck drivers if they saw it.

B They hurried to the landfill to search for it.

C They informed the drivers of stopping working.

D They got down to looking for it without delay.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段Capan said they immediately got to work to find the missing money.可知,他们立即着手寻找丢失的钱。故选D。

4.According to Dan Schoewe, we know that______.

A they are skillful in sorting garbage

B they searched the trash with tools

C the lost money was found in a short time

D the owner got the money back calmly

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段Couldn’t believe it took 10 minutes…可知,丹·舍维花了仅仅十分钟时间就找到了那笔丢失的现金。故选C。