8月龄男孩心脏手术费无着落 波兰奥运女将拍卖奖牌为其筹款
8月龄男孩心脏手术费无着落 波兰奥运女将拍卖奖牌为其筹款

Polish Olympian Maria Andrejczyk earned the silver medal in the javelin(标枪) throw at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. On August 11, she announced the auctioning(拍卖) of her prized medal to help save a young boy’s life.

Just five days after securing the silver medal in javelin, Andrejczyk announced the auction on her Facebook page. She chose to raise funds for Miłoszek Małysa, an 8-month-old boy who needs to travel from Poland to Stanford University in California to have life-saving heart surgery. She does not know Małysa, but wrote that she knew she made the right choice after reading online pleas for help from his parents.

Andrejczyk wrote that Małysa needed 1.5 million Polish zlotys(about $385,000) to cover the costs of his transportation and treatment. “The true value of a medal always remains in the heart,” Andrejczyk said. “A medal is only an object, but it can be of great value to others. This silver can save lives, instead of collecting dust in a closet. That is why I decided to auction it to help sick children.”

On August 17, she announced that the auction was closed. Zabka, a Polish convenience(便利) store chain, made the winning bid. Zabka confirmed the good news on Facebook. The store also gracefully declined to accept her silver medal. “We were moved by the beautiful and extremely noble gesture of our Olympian,” the store wrote. “We also decided that the silver medal from Tokyo will stay with Ms. Maria.”


1.Which of the following best describes Maria Andrejczyk?

A She decided to donate money to a young boy.

B She would like to raise money for Miłoszek Małysa.

C She changed her medal into funds in an auction house.

D She was a gold medal winner at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段On August 11, she announced the auctioning(拍卖) of her prized medal to help save a young boy’s life.及第二段She chose to raise funds for Miłoszek Małysa可知,安德烈恰克要拍卖她的奖牌为Miłoszek Małysa筹款。故选B。

2.What can we learn about Miłoszek Małysa from the passage?

A He asked Andrejczyk for help online.

B He was lack of money for travelling.

C He was a lover of the javelin throw.

D He suffered heart disease and needed surgery.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“...online pleas for help from his parents”可知,8岁男孩Miłoszek Małysa身患心脏疾病急需手术,但家庭无力支付其高昂的手术费用,父母在线求助,故选D。

3.What does the medal mean to Andrejczyk?

A Something appearing in auction.

B Something can save one’s life.

C Something collecting dust in a closet.

D Something valuable to an Olympian.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段A medal is only an object, but it can be of great value to others. This silver can save lives, instead of collecting dust in a closet.可知,安德烈恰克认为奖牌只是一件物品,但对其他人来说可能有很大的价值;这枚银牌可以拯救生命,而不是在柜子里积灰尘,即对于她来说可能只会放在柜子里积灰尘,故选C。

4.The underlined word “declined” in the last paragraph probably means________.

A refused

B decided

C announced

D managed

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据下文可知,波兰便利连锁店Zabka表示他们被奥运选手美丽而高贵的行为所感动,因此他们决定,这枚银牌将留给玛丽亚女士。由此猜测该店婉言“拒绝”接受她的银牌。选项A与之同义,故选A。

5.What will probably happen according to the passage?

A Zabka will accept Andrejczyk’s medal.

B Andrejczyk will continue keeping the medal.

C Miłoszek Małysa will recover from the illness.

D More people will donate money to Miłoszek Małysa.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据最后一段We also decided that the silver medal from Tokyo will stay with Ms. Maria.可知,玛丽亚·安德烈恰克将继续保留这枚已被拍卖的奖牌,故选B。