萨摩耶犬独自在北极流浪 俄罗斯水手施援手助其回家
萨摩耶犬独自在北极流浪 俄罗斯水手施援手助其回家

A Russian icebreaker ship was going about its usual route when the sailors on board noticed something that didn’t belong on the ice below. After taking a closer look, they realized they had come across a white dog. They kept an eye on the lost dog while they lowered a ladder so they could rescue her as quickly as possible.

Aika the dog must have been ready to end her adventure away from home. Without any encouragement, she managed to make her way onto the ship using the stairs. “With the help of mobile phone, we established contact with the local population, found the owner of the dog,” said Evgeny Nagibin, a navigation(领航) assistant.

The dog’s owner, Svetlana Chereshneva, was completely stunned. It always feels like a miracle when a missing dog is found, but Aika’s story is especially astounding. Svetlana and Aika live in the nearby village of Mys Kamenny. One day, the two of them were on a walk when Aika managed to get out of her mom’s sight and ran away. The herding dog ended up wandering around for over a week before she was found.

Aika is a Samoyed herding dog(萨摩耶牧羊犬), which are native to northern Russia and Siberia. There’s no doubt that it helped her survive her cold journey in the Arctic. However, Svetlana recognizes the huge role the sailors played. In fact, she said she doesn’t believe Aika would have survived if it had not been for their kindness. Soon after the dog returned home, Svetlana was happy to report that she and Aika are both excited to be back together again. Despite all she endured, it didn’t take long for Aika to go back to her normal self.


1.What was Aika doing when she was noticed by the sailors?

A She was putting an end to her adventure.

B She was trying to find her way home.

C She was waiting for the ship in the Arctic.

D She was looking for her owner.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段的Aika the dog must have been ready to end her adventure away from home.爱卡这条狗一定已经准备好结束她离家出走的冒险了,可知狗狗想要回家,由此推测她一定是在找她回家的路。故选B。

2.How did Aika respond to the ship’s rescue?

A She ran away quickly.

B She got on board with pleasure.

C She was frightened and hid herself.

D She continued to make her way forward.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段Without any encouragement, she managed to make her way onto the ship using the stairs.可知,在没有任何鼓励的情况下,爱卡自己设法通过楼梯上了船。由此说明爱卡很乐意登上船。故选B。

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A Svetlana adopted Aika from an animal shelter.

B It took Svetlana over a week to look for Aika.

C Svetlana and Aika had a good relationship in life.

D Aika left her owner for no reason when they went out.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第三段One day, the two of them were on a walk when Aika managed to get out of her mom’s sight and ran away.可知,爱卡在和主人散步时,设法从主人的视线中逃走了。由此看出当时爱卡无缘无故地离开了她的主人。故选D。

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A Aika spent a long time recovering herself.

B Svetlana expected to find her dog with efforts.

C Aika’s survival ability depends on regular training.

D The Samoyed herding dog is well adapted to cold areas.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段Aika is a Samoyed herding dog, which are native to northern Russia and Siberia. There’s no doubt that it helped her survive her cold journey in the Arctic.可知,艾卡是一种萨摩亚牧羊犬,原产于俄罗斯北部和西伯利亚。毫无疑问,这帮助她度过了在北极的寒冷旅程。由此推断萨摩亚牧羊犬很好地适应寒冷地区。故选D。