
How can the train operators possibly justify yet another increase to rail passenger fares? It  has become a grimly reliable annual ritual: every January the cost of travelling by train rises, imposing a significant extra burden on those who have no option but to use the rail network to get to work or otherwise. This year’s rise, an average of 2.7 percent, may be a fraction lower than last year’s, but it is still well above the official Consumer Price Index (CPI) measure of inflation.

Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those who use it, rather than the general taxpayer. Why, the argument goes, should a car-driving pensioner from Lincolnshire have to subsidise the daily commute of a stockbroker from Surrey? Equally, there is a sense that the travails of commuters in the South East, many of whom will face among the biggest rises, have received too much attention compared to those who must endure the relatively poor infrastructure of the Midlands and the North.

However, over the past 12 months, those commuters have also experienced some of the worst rail strikes in years. It is all very well train operators trumpeting the improvements they are making to the network, but passengers should be able to expect a basic level of service for the substantial sums they are now paying to travel. The responsibility for the latest wave of strikes rests on the unions. However, there is a strong case that those who have been worst affected by industrial action should receive compensation for the disruption they have suffered.

The Government has pledged to change the law to introduce a minimum service requirement so that, even when strikes occur, services can continue to operate. This should form part of a wider package of measures to address the long-running problems on Britain’s railways. Yes, more investment is needed, but passengers will not be willing to pay more indefinitely if they must also endure cramped, unreliable services, punctuated by regular chaos when timetables are changed, or planned maintenance is managed incompetently. The threat of nationalisation may have been seen off for now, but it will return with a vengeance if the justified anger of passengers is not addressed in short order.

1.The author holds that this year’s increase in rail passengers fares _________.

A will ease train operation’s burden

B has kept pace with inflation

C is a big surprise to commuters

D remains an unreasonable measure

解析:选D。D 观点态度题。首段首句提岀事件“今年火车票价又一次上涨”并反问火车运营商如何才能对此作出合理解释,暗传作者态度“此举不合理”;第二三句介绍运营商涨价的两大特点“涨价频繁”“涨幅过大”,进一步明确作者态度:今年火车客运票价上涨不合理。故选D。

2.The stockbroker in Para. 2 is used to stand for _________.

A car drivers

B rail travellers

C local investors

D ordinary tax payers

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。第二段第一句介绍政府允许提价的原因:铁路网的投资运营成本理应由其使用者(those who use it)而非全体纳税人承担。第二句列举两个典型的人物具体说明第一句所述原因:一位驾车出行、靠退休金度日的人凭什么要补贴一位股票经纪人的日常通勤?即谁乘车,谁买单,不乘车者没有义务为火车乘客买单。股票经纪人是“火车乘客/铁路网使用者”的典型代表。故选B。

3.It is indicated in Para. 3 that train operators _________.

A are offering compensations to commuters

B are trying to repair relations with the unions

C have failed to provide an adequate source

D have suffered huge losses owing to the strikes

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。第三段第一句指出事实:过去一年,通勤者遭遇了严重的铁路罢工活动。第二句中,作者提出,乘客既然支付了高昂的乘车费用,就理应能够要求基本水平的服务。联系两句可知,罢工导致铁路停摆,火车运营商未能提供基本的服务。故选C。

4.If unable to calm down passengers, the railways may have to face _________.

A the loss of investment

B the collapse of operations

C a reduction of revenue

D a change of ownership

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。末段末句指出,虽然国有化的威胁可能暂时得以解除,但是火车运营商若不立即处理乘客的愤怒情绪,这一威胁将卷土重来。即若火车运营商不能让乘客冷静下来,将会面临国有化的威胁,也就是所有权的变更。故选D。

5.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A Who Are to Blame for the Strikes?

B Constant Complaining Doesn’t Work

C Can Nationalisation Bring Hope?

D Ever-rising Fares Aren’t Sustainable

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。首段引入事件“火车运营商再次调涨客运票价”并指岀这给乘客增添沉重负担,并不合理。第二、三段分析事件,先让步指出,本着“谁使用、谁付费”的逻辑,“乘客分担上涨的铁路成本”有其道理,再转而指出虽然乘客付出的费用不断攀升,但其获得的服务却停滞不前,甚至根本未达到基本合格的标准,持续涨价并不合理。末段向政府提议,向运营商发出警告:若仍旧“只涨票价,不提高服务水平”,乘客将不再买账,铁路线路将面临国有化威胁。可见,全文围绕火车运营商“连年调涨火车票价”展开,意在表明这一不合理之举已引起众怒,绝非长久之计,D正确。