关于未来气候 科学家告诉你三件事
关于未来气候 科学家告诉你三件事

More than 200 climate scientists just released a stark look at how fast the climate is warming, showing heat waves, extreme rain and intense droughts are on the rise. The evidence for warming is unequivocal but the extent of future disasters will be determined by how fast governments can cut heat-trapping emissions. Here are the top findings from the report.

Humans are causing rapid and widespread warming

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has now reached the highest level in at least the past 2 million years. As a result, temperatures are warming quickly. Since 1970, global temperatures have increased faster than in any other 50-year period in the last 2,000 years. Some parts of the globe, like the poles, are warming even faster.

Extreme weather is on the rise and will keep getting worse

Heat waves are more frequent and intense. Storms are dumping more rainfall, causing floods. Droughts are getting hotter and drier. Scientists are finding these trends are directly linked to the human influence on the climate and theyre getting worse.

If humans cut emissions, the worst impacts are avoidable

While the planet will continue warming in the near-term, scientists say there is still time to prevent catastrophic climate change. That would mean a rapid drop in emissions from power plants and cars over the next few decades, essentially halting the use of fossil fuels.


1.Which aspect is not mentioned on the rise according to the report?

A Intense droughts.

B Heat waves.

C Sea level.

D Extreme rain.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段More than 200 climate scientists just released a stark look at how fast the climate is warming, showing heat waves, extreme rain and intense droughts are on the rise.可知气候科学家刚刚发布了一份关于气候快速变暖的报告,报告显示热浪、特大暴雨和严重干旱正在上升。文章未提及海平面上升,故选C。

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 2?

A Carbon in the atmosphere has now reached the highest.

B Water is getting warmer and warmer these years.

C In the last 50 years, global temperatures decreased quickly.

D Poles are warming faster than other parts of the globe.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,A和C错误,B项未提及。根据第二段Some parts of the globe, like the poles, are warming even faster.可知地球上的两极变暖的速度更快,故选D。

3.What does the underlined word “That” refer to?

A Continuing warming.

B Preventing catastrophic climate change.

C Cutting emissions.

D Avoiding the worst impacts.

解析:选B。B 代词指代题。根据前文scientists say there is still time to prevent catastrophic climate change.That would mean a rapid drop in emissions from power plants and cars over the next few decades科学家们认为我们仍然有时间去阻止灾难性的气候变化,也就是说我们需要急剧减少来自电站和轿车的排放。即that指的是阻止气候灾难性变化这件事,故选B。

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A The planet will continue warming in the near-term.

B There is no time to prevent catastrophic climate change.

C If we do something, we can avoid the worst impacts.

D We will stop using fossil fuels over the next few decades.

解析:选C。C 段落大意题。根据最后一段If humans cut emissions, the worst impacts are avoidable可知,如果人类减少排放,最严重的影响是可以避免的,选项C最接近,故选C。