豆鹅在空中倒飞 专家:它在炫耀
豆鹅在空中倒飞 专家:它在炫耀

 photo of a bean goose flying upside down has sparked a heated debate as to why geese do this. Photographer Vincent Cornelissen said he’s received thousands of messages and comments from people around the world asking for information about the goose flying upside down. Cornelissen captured the photo near the Dutch town of Arnhem while snapping photos of three geese.

“I saw that one of the three had trouble flying in a straight line. He was having a hard time which I thought was because of the wind. He seemed to be struggling, so I took some pictures of him,” he said. He didn’t think much more about it until he developed the pictures. “I immediately realized that I had captured something special, but at the same time, I was afraid that no one would believe me. The image looked like it was edited in Photoshop.”

The bizarre flying behavior has many nicknames—including barrel rolling—but the official description is “whiffling”. “Whiffling is a term used in ornithology (鸟类学) to describe the behavior whereby a bird rapidly descends with a zigzagging (曲折的), side-slipping motion,” the Wikipedia description reads. “Sometimes to whiffle, a bird flies briefly with its body turned upside down but with its neck and head twisted 180 degrees around in a normal position. The aerodynamics (空气动力) that usually give a bird lift during flying are thereby inverted, and the bird briefly plummets toward the ground before this is quickly reversed and the bird adopts a normal flying orientation.”

Lars Soerink, a wildlife photographer and conservation science communicator for Bird Protection Netherlands, said the photo might just reflect a goose that’s learning new tricks. “Once young geese have mastered flying, they start to see what is possible and how far they can go,” Soerink said. But he also said it could just as easily be that “they do it to show off to their peers. Like, look at me!”


1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A A goose lost control and flied upside down.

B Vincent Cornelissen caused a lot of matters online.

C Cornelissen’s photo has aroused worldwide concern.

D Many bean geese inhabit in the Dutch town of Arnhem.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第一段可知,摄影师文森特·科内利森(Vincent Cornelissen)表示,他收到来自世界各地的数千条信息和评论,询问有关这只倒飞的豆鹅的信息。由此推断他的摄影作品引发了全世界的关注。故选C。

2.How did Cornelissen take such a special photo?

A Specially.

B Accidentally.

C Carefully.

D Intentionally.


3.Which of the following is NOT true about “whiffling”?

A It is also called “barrel rolling”.

B Aerodynamics will help during the process.

C It is a kind of flying behavior.

D Birds will fall off to the ground in the end.


4.According to Lars Soerink, we can know that _________.

A the goose has no flight experience

B young geese usually play tricks on others

C the goose loses its mind during the flight

D the goose is probably practising flying skills

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段Once young geese have mastered flying, they start to see what is possible and how far they can go可知,一旦小豆鹅掌握了飞行技能,它们就会开始探索什么是可能的以及它们能飞多远。推断那一只豆鹅当时可能在练习飞行技巧。故选D。