修车工善举引发关注 爱心捐款如潮涌来
修车工善举引发关注 爱心捐款如潮涌来

Eliot Middleton, a restaurant owner and trained mechanic(技工) in rural South Carolina, has been helping change people’s lives by repairing old cars and donating them to families in need.

As CBS News previously reported, Middleton’s yard is a parking place of used cars. He gives the cars new life, to help those in South Carolina’s low country. “There’s no public transportation,” Middleton told CBS News in June. “There’s no Ubers, there’s no taxis or nothing like that.” Some of the users of the fixed cars are single moms, jobs seekers and older people with doctor’s appointments.

After the video aired(播出), the response has been overwhelming. “My phone started exploding from all over the place,” Middleton said. “Whatever glowing feeling is inside me, it just transferred from that TV screen and went inside them,” he said.

So far, people have offered to donate nearly 800 cars to the cause. More than $125,000 has been raised for his cause by thousands of people on GoFundMe. “Yes, it takes a Village! Thanks for knowing that and being such an important part of that Village. I’m so impressed.” one person wrote on GoFundMe. “You are an inspiration! You are a courageous visionary leader. Happy to support your vision and mission!” wrote another. “God bless you for being so kind and helping others in need,” another said. When asked if he ever could have imagined such a response, Middleton said “never in this lifetime.”


1.What did Eliot Middleton do for others?

A He always repaired cars for free.

B He set up a restaurant for the poor.

C He devoted himself to local charities.

D He started old car donations in the local area.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,餐馆老板兼修理工艾略特·米德尔顿一直在修理旧车,并把它们捐给有需要的家庭。故选D。

2.Who might be a user of the repaired car?

A A woman who has a single child.

B Someone who is looking for a job.

C Someone who wants to see a doctor.

D A man who has old family members.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段Some of the users of the fixed cars are single moms, jobs seekers and older people with doctor’s appointments.可知,修好的汽车的用户是单亲妈妈、求职者和有医生预约的老年人。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “overwhelming” mean?

A 热烈的.

B 惊人的.

C 奇特的.

D 意料之外的.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据下文My phone started exploding from all over the place可知,米德尔顿的手机快要被打爆了,由此推断相关视频播出后,反响“热烈”。故选A。

4.How did people learn about Middleton ?

A On the Internet.

B Through TV.

C In the newspaper.

D Through social media.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段Whatever glowing feeling is inside me, it just transferred from that TV screen and went inside them可知,无论米德尔顿内心热烈的感觉是什么,它只是从电视屏幕上迁移过来,并且进入了他们的内心。由此推断人们是通过电视了解到米德尔顿的。故选B。

5.According to the passage, we can know that______.

A Middleton has repaired nearly 800 cars until now

B many people came to visit Middleton with praise

C Middleton never thought of giving up repairing cars

D a GoFundMe project was set up to support Middleton

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后一段More than $125,000 has been raised for his cause by thousands of people on GoFundMe.可知,在GoFundMe上,成千上万的人为他的事业筹集了超过12.5万美元。故选D。