
A veterinarian in Brisbane performed surgery on a tiny green tree frog. The frog, also known as the graceful tree frog, is native to Australia and was so small that it fit on the end of her finger. The frog was less than two centimeters long and weighed a half gram in weight. “It’s the smallest animal that I’ve ever done surgery on,” Dr Meaghan Barrow said.

Barrow said the frog was found at the RSPCA’s Wacol facility, having hitched a ride on some leaves. “One of our vet nurses found him on some leaves that had been brought in to feed some of our koalas,” Barrow said. “She brought him into the clinic to me and she was really worried, she said ‘he seems to have a lump (肿块) on the side of his body. I had a close look and he actually had a little hole, it was only a couple of millimetres but on a tiny frog that’s only two centimetres long, that’s quite a big hole inside of his chest.” The animal’s tiny lung and intestines (肠) were poking out of the hole.

“In order to treat him, we had to anaesthetize (麻醉) him so that he was sedated(镇静的) enough to fix his wound. We had to dilute(稀释) the medication by one in 1,000, to get a tiny, tiny dose to be able to make him go to sleep so he couldn’t feel anything.”

In addition to the size of the frog, the animal’s skin was also a challenge. “His skin is so thin, frogs have really thin skin that they absorb oxygen and things through and that just makes it really difficult.”

Barrow managed to close up the hole with a single, dissolvable suture (可溶缝线). The next day the frog was hopping around. It was released into the wild a week later. “It’s just really rewarding to be able to offer help,” Barrow said.


1.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?

A The birthplace of the tree frog.

B The introduction of the tree frog.

C The history of the tree frog.

D The surgery about the tree frog.


2.Which of the following is correct about the frog’s injury?

A The frog got badly hurt by some leaves.

B The wound would be fatal to the frog.

C Barrow never saw such a serious injury.

D The frog didn’t realized any pain on its body.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第二段The animal’s tiny lung and intestines (肠) were poking out of the hole.可知,这只青蛙的肺和肠子从洞里露出来了。由此说明这个伤口对青蛙来说是致命的。故选B。

3.What makes the surgery tough?

A The dose of medication.

B The lack of oxygen.

C The forg’s size and skin.

D The use of dissolvable suture.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段In addition to the size of the frog, the animal’s skin was also a challenge.并结合上下文可知,给树蛙做手术遇到的主要挑战是树蛙体型太小,皮肤太薄,故选C。

4.What happened to the frog after the surgery?

A It hopped around at the end of that day.

B It woke up and returned to nature the next day.

C It passed away peacefully soon after.

D It continued to be sheltered for several days.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段The next day the frog was hopping around. It was released into the wild a week later.可知,术后第二天树蛙就到处蹦蹦跳跳。一周后就被放归野外。由此推断树蛙在术后被收留了几天。故选D。