热心女警官雪中送炭 一双新鞋温暖光脚男子
热心女警官雪中送炭 一双新鞋温暖光脚男子

According to the Atlanta Police Department, Officer S. Thomas was working her shift a few months ago and noticed a man walking barefoot outside in the rain. She asked him if he needed some shoes and socks and he responded(回答) that he did.

Officer Thomas left to get some footwear for the man, and returned, but unfortunately, the man who she originally(最初) spoke to had left the location. She decided to keep the shoes in the trunk (行李箱) of her car in case she came across him again.

Soon after, she noticed a different man outside of a Kroger grocery store in Lindbergh who was also walking around barefoot. Officer Thomas went to her car, got the shoes, and gave them to the unsuspecting man.

“She was not aware that she was being filmed during her act of kindness. She simply saw a person with a need that she could fill and did so,” the Atlanta Police Department wrote. “We thank the person who filmed this kind act and who took the time to share with others on social media. It is nice when the good deeds of officers can also be shared publicly, whether that was the intent or not.”


1.The underlined word “barefoot” means____ in Chinese.

A 踮脚的

B 跛脚的

C 崴脚的

D 赤脚的

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据第一段She asked him if he needed some shoes and socks and he responded that he did.可知,托马斯警官问男子是否需要鞋子和袜子,他回答说需要。由此推断该男子当时是“赤脚”行走。故选D。

2.How was the weather that day?

A It was sunny.

B It was rainy.

C It was cloudy.

D It was snowy.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段…and noticed a man walking barefoot outside in the rain.可知,那天在下雨。故选B。

3.What can we know about the first man?

A He refused Officer Thomas’s offer.

B He didn’t care about his situation.

C He was in need of shoes and socks.

D He went to the Atlanta Police Department.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,该男子急需鞋和袜子,故选C。

4.What did Officer Thomas do for the second man?

A She sent him home in her car.

B She took him to a shoe shop.

C She offered him a pair of shoes.

D She gave the shoes on her feet to him.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段Officer Thomas went to her car, got the shoes, and gave them to the unsuspecting man.可知,托马斯警官走到她的车前,拿到鞋子,把它们给了那个人。故选C。

5.How was Officer Thomas’s story known to the public?

A Another man told it to local social media.

B Someone shared the video about the kind act online.

C The Atlanta Police Department gave a report about it.

D The shoe receiver sent an email to Thomas’s department.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据最后一段We thank the person who filmed this kind act and who took the time to share with others on social media.可知,亚特兰大警察局感谢拍摄这个善举并花时间在社交媒体上与他人分享的人。由此看出有人在网上分享了托马斯警官的善举视频,才使得此事得以公开。故选B。