AirCar飞行汽车完成首次跨市飞行 将科幻带入生活
AirCar飞行汽车完成首次跨市飞行 将科幻带入生活

As Doc Brown once said in Back to the Future, “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” Although the AirCar does need a runway to take off and land, this flying car is getting us one step closer to making a huge staple of science fiction a reality!

Twenty years ago, Stefan Klein began pursuing his dream of creating a flying car. He’s accomplished a lot since then and has worked with top automotive companies like Audi, Volkswagen, and BMW. Now, he is the founder and CEO of Klein Vision, and he’s finally making his goal a reality.

This unusual prototype(原型), which looks like it came straight out of a movie, took about two years to develop. It can carry two people and has a weight limit of around 440 pounds. Although it isn’t the first flying car ever, it is the very first to travel from one international airport to another.

Powered by a BMW engine and running on regular petrol-pump(汽油泵) fuel, the AirCar took off from the international airport in Nitra, Slovakia, and made it all the way to the international airport in Bratislava, Slovakia. During this remarkable flight, the AirCar went up to 105 mph and reached an altitude of 8,200 feet. This exciting trip might sound a bit intimidating or even scary, but according to Stefan, his experience was “normal” and “very pleasant.”

It may have felt “normal” to Stefan, but it will still be a while before flying cars become the norm(常态) for the rest of us. For one thing, this prototype cost almost $2 million. Plus, in order for planes and helicopters to be certified to fly, they must pass strict tests. This includes providing years’ worth of proof that a vehicle is able to travel without any incidents.

That being said, there are plenty of people who believe we’ll get to that point — maybe even sooner than we think. Those include Stephen Wright, a senior research fellow in avionics and aircraft at the University of the West of England.“I have to admit that this looks really cool — but I’ve got a hundred questions about certification,” Stephen said. “Anyone can make an aeroplane, but the trick is making one that flies for the thick end of a million hours, with a person on board, without having an incident. I can’t wait to see the piece of paper that says this is safe to fly and safe to sell.”


1.What can we know about Stefan Klein?

A He succeeded in creating a flying car.

B He devoted himself to the design of cars.

C He was engaged in the creation of science fiction.

D He served as a researcher in an automotive company.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,二十年前,斯特凡·克莱因开始追求他创造一辆会飞的汽车的梦想。从那以后,他取得了很多成就,并与奥迪、大众和宝马等顶级汽车公司合作。现在,他是Klein Vision的创始人和首席执行官,他终于实现了自己创造飞行汽车的目标。故选A。

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the AirCar?

A It uses light materials.

B It is the first flying car.

C It realized the test flight between airports.

D Its design borrowed the images in the film.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段Although it isn’t the first flying car ever, it is the very first to travel from one international airport to another.可知,虽然the AirCar不是第一辆飞行汽车,但它却是第一辆从一个国际机场飞往另一个国际机场的汽车。故选C。

3.What conditions does the AirCar need to meet to enter ordinary families? a. It must change its engine. b. The cost of it must be reduced. c. It must reach a certain flying distance. d. It must obtain safety certification.

A a;b

B b;c

C a;c

D b;d

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第五段For one thing, this prototype cost almost $2 million. Plus, in order for planes and helicopters to be certified to fly, they must pass strict tests.可知,首先,这辆原型车花费了将近200万美元。此外,为了让飞机和直升机获得飞行认证,它们必须通过严格的测试。由此推断the AirCar要想进入寻常百姓家,就必须要降低成本,并取得安全认证。故选D。

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A Stephen couldn’t ensure the truth of test results.

B Stephen still doubted about the safety of the AirCar.

C Stephen didn't expect the sale of the AirCar to come soon.

D Stephen thought it impossible for the AirCar to get the certification.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段I have to admit that this looks really cool — but I’ve got a hundred questions about certification以及I can’t wait to see the piece of paper that says this is safe to fly and safe to sell.可知,斯蒂芬表示他不得不承认,the AirCar看起来真的很酷,但他有一百个关于认证的问题。他迫不及待地想看到一张纸,上面写着这架飞机可以安全飞行,也可以安全出售。由此推断他目前对该款飞行汽车的安全性仍然表示怀疑。故选B。