加州河床暗藏野火隐患 河狸帮忙重现生机
加州河床暗藏野火隐患 河狸帮忙重现生机

Seven years ago, ecologists looking to restore (恢复) the Doty Ravine in Lincoln, California, had to choose between spending over $1 million bringing in heavy equipment or trying a more natural way. They went for the second choice, and turned to nature’s original flood manager to do the work—the beaver (河狸).

The creek bed (河床), which was changed by many years of agricultural use, had looked like a wildfire risk. But it came back to life far faster than expected after the beavers went to work. “It was crazy, it was great,” said Lynnette Batt, the conservation director of the Placer Land Trust, which owns and keeps the Doty Ravine Preserve. “It went from dry grassland to totally green one, trees turning up, wetland plants of all types, different stream (溪) channels across about 60 acres of floodplain (洪泛平原).

Damion Ciotti, a biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who led the project, said he predicted the Doty Ravine project would take ten years to reconnect the stream to the floodplain, but to his surprise, it was restored in just three years. “One important thing that we have to remember is that beavers have been here for a very long time,” said Placer Land Trust land manager Elias Grant, “They understand water flow paths.”


1.This passage mainly talks about _________.

A water and agriculture

B human activity and nature

C how animals change nature

D how to keep the balance of nature


2._________ successfully went into the ecologists’ project.

A The beaver

B Some workers

C The local people

D Heavy equipment

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段They went for the second choice, and turned to nature’s original flood manager to do the work—the beaver (河狸).可知,生态学家们选择求助于大自然最初的洪水治理者——河狸。故选A。

3.How do you understand the underlined words in Paragraph2?

A Lynnette Batt doubted about the result.

B Lynnette Batt couldn’t be more satisfied.

C Lynnette Batt felt a little disappointed.

D Lynnette Batt just expected something more.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据上文But it came back to life far faster than expected after the beavers went to work.可知,在河狸开始工作后,该地恢复生机的速度远远超过预期。推断林内特·巴特对结果非常满意,禁不住发出感叹。故选B。

4.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A Doty Ravine Preserve keeps dry in rainy seasons.

B The creek bed is a good place for beavers to live.

C The farming changed the condition of the creek bed.

D The wildfire happened in local areas from time to time.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段The creek bed (河床), which was changed by many years of agricultural use, had looked like a wildfire risk.可知,由于几十年的农业利用,河床发生了变化。也就是说农业耕作改变了河床的状况。故选C。

5.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A Beavers just arrived in the Doty Ravine.

B Doty Ravine project lasted 10 years long.

C The beaver is really a good nature’s manager.

D The stream is separated from the floodplain now.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段but to his surprise, it was restored in just three years. “One important thing that we have to remember is that beavers have been here for a very long time,” said Placer Land Trust land manager Elias Grant, “They understand water flow paths.”可知,河狸已经在这里呆了很长时间,它们了解水流路径,仅仅用了三年时间就修复了。由此说明河狸确实是出色的大自然的治理者。故选C。