
Tom Stevens went on social media to try to locate the owner based on clues in the wallet, including old photos, a 1973 Grateful Dead concert ticket and a California driver’s license for Colleen Distin that expired in 1976. “Does anyone know Colleen Distin?” he asked on the theater’s Facebook page. “While doing some maintenance we have found her wallet. There are a bunch of pictures of people, and they are super cool from that era also. Someone may want them. So if you are, or if you know Colleen, drop us a line and we will have it here for you!”

After thousands of shares, word got back to Colleen Distin, who grew up in Ventura and remains a resident. She said she heard from a lot of people online and received a call about the post. Distin on Friday went to pick up the red wallet, now brownish with age, and said it was like opening a “time capsule”. Distin said she lost the wallet in 1975, when she was in her early 20s, at what was then a movie theater.

She said it must have fallen out of her purse, which she had placed on the theater floor. At the time, her wallet held a $200 check and family photos. “I remember calling the next day when I realized it was gone. They said no one found it, but to call back, which I did,” Distin said.

“I’m shaking,” Distin said as she looked through the wallet. It contained poetry and notes, photographs of high school friends, the $5 ticket to a Grateful Dead concert at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and photos of Distin’s mother, who died several years ago. “It’s really wonderful,” Distin said in an emotional voice. Distin said she was initially reluctant to talk publicly about her experience but she said there was such a positive response that she gave in.


1.Which item probably is a key clue to find the owner?

A The wallet.

B Old photos.

C A concert ticket.

D A California driver’s license.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段可知,汤姆·史蒂文斯(Tom Stevens)在社交媒体上试图根据钱包中的线索找到失主,这些线索包括旧照片、一张1973年的音乐会门票和一本科琳·迪斯汀的过期加州驾照,汤姆最终选择以寻找科琳·迪斯汀这个人作为突破口,在剧院脸书网页上发布了相关失物招领启示,结果表明他的做法是对的。说明那本驾照是关键线索,故选D。

2.Which of the following best describes Colleen Distin?

A She lost the wallet while enjoying a concert.

B She is a native of Ventura and still lives there.

C She found the post about her lost wallet online.

D She doubted the truth of the post on social media.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段After thousands of shares, word got back to Colleen Distin, who grew up in Ventura and remains a resident.可知,科琳·迪斯汀在凡吐拉市长大,至今仍是当地居民。故选B。

3.How did Distin feel when she saw her lost wallet?

A Nervous.

B Excited.

C Surprised.

D Upset.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第四段I’m shaking及第四段“It’s really wonderful,” Distin said in an emotional voice.可知,见到钱包时,迪斯汀在发抖,她情绪激动地说太棒了。由此看出她当时很激动,故选B。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Distin made her story public consciously.

B The wallet fell out of her purse in the theater.

C This wallet might hide a secret of Distin’s past.

D Colleen Distin shared her storyto spread positive energy.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段Distin said she was initially reluctant to talk publicly about her experience but she said there was such a positive response that she gave in.可知,迪斯汀最初不愿公开谈论自己的经历,但因反响积极,她才公开的。说明她是有意识地公开自己的故事的。故选A。