
Monty the labradoodle (拉布拉多) passed away last Monday morning after an 18-month battle (战斗) with the illness. Before he died, his owner Carlos Fresco took him on one last journey together to the top of Pen y Fan, the highest peak in south Wales.

“He loved hill walks and we set out without any plans and took him on trips around your wonderful beacons (灯塔),” Carlos told the local newspaper. “Although he was weak, he enjoyed all the love and attention received by so many well wishers. People on the hills were so kind and equally so sad at his poor condition. In fact total strangers asked if they could share in pushing Monty on his last journey. Many total strangers shed a tear as we all love dearly our little four-legged friends.”

Carlos travelled 180 miles from London to Brecon Beacons for the final adventure. “I would like to thank all the wonderful people that we met in Brecon and on the hills for their true kindness and care,” he said. “He was truly a special boy. God bless and good night, little friend.”


1.What can we know about Monty?

A He got old and weak.

B He died of the disease.

C He enjoyed life with his owner.

D He climbed to the top of Pen y Fan alone.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段Monty the labradoodle passed away last Monday morning after an 18-month battle with the illness.可知,拉布拉多犬蒙蒂在与病魔斗争了18个月后去世。故选B。

2.Carlos and Monty went on the trip ________.

A last Monday

B with detailed plans

C to receive the blessings

D without a plan

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段He loved hill walks and we set out without any plans and took him on trips around your wonderful beacons可知,蒙蒂喜欢在山上散步,卡洛斯和他没有任何计划就出发去旅行。故选D。

3.During the journey, ________.

A Monty enjoyed the service from strangers

B Monty was excited and energetic

C many people showed Monty love and care

D Carlos was interviewed by the local newspaper

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段Although he was weak, he enjoyed all the love and attention received by so many well wishers.可知,尽管蒙蒂很虚弱,但他享受着这么多好心人给予他的关爱。故选C。

4.How did Carlos respond to those strangers?

A His eyes were wet.

B He was full of thanks.

C He repaid something to them.

D He wrote a thankful letter to them.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段I would like to thank all the wonderful people that we met in Brecon and on the hills for their true kindness and care可知,卡洛斯表示要感谢他们在布雷肯和山上遇到的所有人,感谢他们真正的善良和关心。故选B。

5.What does the journey probably mean to Carlos?

A It is the final battle to win in the life.

B It is the happiest moment in his memory.

C It is the last hope to make Monty recover.

D It is the best way to say goodbye to Monty.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段He was truly a special boy. God bless and good night, little friend.可知,卡洛斯认为蒙蒂是个特别的孩子。他希望上帝保佑蒙蒂,并向他道晚安。他的话语其实是在隐晦地表达对蒙蒂的不舍,并向他作最后一次道别。由此推断对于卡洛斯而言,这次行程是向蒙蒂告别的最好方式。故选D。