
Before she even spoke her first word, Madison Lotane was already able to communicate most of her wants and needs to her parents. That’s because Madi’s dad, Zach Lotane, is deaf and communicates only in American Sign Language (ASL).

Zach and his wife Courtney have been teaching ASL to Madi since birth. She has already learned over 20 words in sign language, and she’s picking up both spoken English and ASL with ease. Zach said he absolutely loves being her dad, and he’s happy to share his language with her and open her world to all kinds of people. “I enjoy reading books with her, watching her sign, feeding her. I love watching her grow,” the dad added.

The Lotane family has since found a way to spread their love of ASL and their message of acceptance and diversity to a much larger audience. They’ve been sharing videos of their daily life, including teaching Madi how to sign along with learning to speak, and their social media sites are on fire!

“Really, our social media has inspired so many people to learn sign language,” Zach said. “They’ve taken an ASL class in their high school or community college or university, and then also, we’ve provided resources and support for hearing parents who have deaf children or deaf babies.”

The couple’s popular TikTok page, for example, has more than 2 million devoted followers. Their videos of Madi discovering the world around her are encouraging others to dream big for their own children who are deaf or who have partial hearing loss. People just love seeing ASL used to wonderfully blend(融合) the hearing and deaf worlds!


1.Which of the following best describes Madison Lotane?

A She has a gift for learning languages.

B She prefers to communicate in ASL.

C She has been deaf sincce she was born.

D She understands both ASL and spoken English.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段Zach and his wife Courtney have been teaching ASL to Madi since birth. She has already learned over 20 words in sign language, and she’s picking up both spoken English and ASL with ease.可知,扎克和妻子考特尼从麦迪逊出生起就一直在教她美国手语。她已经学会了20多个手语单词,英语口语和美国手语都能轻松掌握。故选D。

2.How is the relationship between Zach and Madison?

A They are always together.

B There is a little gap between them.

C Zach is Madison’s lifelong friend.

D Zach poured lots of love into Madison.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段I enjoy reading books with her, watching her sign, feeding her. I love watching her grow可知,扎克表示他喜欢和女儿一起看书,看她的手势,喂她吃饭。他喜欢看着她长大。由此看出扎克向女儿麦迪逊倾注了大量的爱。故选D。

3.Which facts show that the Lotane family are spreading ASL? a.They set up websites on ASL learning. b.They entered schools to have ASL classes. c.They shared videos of their daily life online. d.They offered help to parents with deaf kids.

A a;b

B c;d

C b;c

D a;d

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段They’ve been sharing videos of their daily life及第四段we’ve provided resources and support for hearing parents who have deaf children or deaf babies可知,他们一直在分享他们日常生活的视频,并且也为聋哑儿童或聋哑婴儿的家长提供资源和支持。故选B。

4.According to the passage, we know that ________.

A more deaf kids begin to redesign their future

B Madi’s success comes from her hard practice

C Madi’s videos bring inspiration to some parents

D many people are surprised by the story of Madi

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段our social media has inspired so many people to learn sign language及最后一段Their videos of Madi discovering the world around her are encouraging others to dream big for their own children who are deaf or who have partial hearing loss.可知,他们的社交媒体启发了很多人学习手语,麦迪逊的视频正激励其他人鼓励自己失聪或部分失聪的孩子圆梦。故选C。